It is the highest Form of possible investigation in new Zealand: the Prime Minister Ardern wants the background to the attack in Christchurch that teaches and has arranged for a “Royal Commission”.

The horror in new Zealand on the stroke of Christchurch is still great. But there is also the question comes up: could Have been prevented? The new Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has now ordered an independent investigation of the deadly attack on two mosques.

The “Royal Commission” will consider, “what Ardern said it would do, or should, to prevent the attack”. For “Affairs of gravierendster importance for the Public” is such a step appropriate.

the Highest Form of potential investigations

The government had already decided in a separate investigation, but now with a “Royal Commission” for the highest Form of possible investigations to be decided. In it experts from the police, immigration authorities, intelligence services and customs should work together.

The Name derives from the British Royal family: Queen Elizabeth II is the long independent Pacific state is the official head of state. The Commission will, in parallel to the ongoing investigations by police and prosecutors. A Supreme judge. The panel has subpoena power, witnesses, and to compel organisations to hand over documents. However, it is to be implemented then the courts and the government, the recommendations or findings of the Commission.

The government plans to establish a “Royal Commission” to investigate the backgrounds of the Christchurch-attack.

“Every stone

new Zealand turn around” was not a “surveillance state”; however, there are open questions, said Ardern. “We will turn over every stone individually to find out how this act of terror could have happened and whether there were ways to prevent it.” A re-introduction of the death penalty, you are granted a cancellation.

in Particular, the work of the secret services in more detail is to be taken. For all the grief and all the horror there is in new Zealand, in the meantime also criticism that the right-wing extremists and racists danger was underestimated. To clarify also, as the perpetrator of his weapons. Last week, the government had exacerbated the already gun laws.