A New York judge could reveal this Tuesday, January 2, “nearly 200 names linked to the sex trafficking conspiracy” between Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, recalls the British daily The Guardian. This list would reveal or confirm the identities of “dozens” of associates, previously referred to as John and Jane Does – the expression which designates an unidentified person in court documents. The deadline to object to the release of names was midnight on Monday.

In July 2019, the wealthy financier and close friend of Donald Trump was accused of sex trafficking of minors and of having lured young teenage girls, some as young as 14, into his homes to engage in sexual acts in exchange for of remuneration. The facts date back to the period 2002-2005. On August 10, 2019, the former hedge fund manager hanged himself in his New York cell, where he was waiting for his trial date to be determined. Ghislaine Maxwell was prosecuted for having provided the financier, from 1994 to 2004, with underage girls who were then sexually exploited. She was sentenced, in June 2022, to twenty years in prison.

Some individuals on the list are already publicly identified as associates or employees of Esptein and Maxwell, recalls the British daily. But “it is almost certain,” writes The Guardian, that among those whose identities are still protected will be “a former American president, actors, academics and, notoriously, the now reclusive British prince.”

“John Doe 36”, mentioned in more than 50 documents, would have been identified as Bill Clinton, president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Virginia Gruffre, the financier’s main accuser and who accused Prince Andrew of having him sexually assaulted when she was 17, claims to have met him on the financier’s island – where Clinton claims to have never been. Virginia Gruffre, however, does not attribute any wrongdoing to the former president. “Personal flight logs kept by one of Epstein’s pilots show that Bill Clinton flew extensively on Epstein’s plane, including trips to Paris, Bangkok and Brunei in the years after his leaving office in 2001,” adds The Guardian.

According to other documents unearthed during the investigation, including diaries belonging to Jeffrey Epstein published by the Wall Street Journal last May, CIA Director William Burns and Kathryn Ruemmler, the White House counsel under Barack Obama, are in this list. American director Woody Allen, Microsoft founder Bill Gates too. Just like the former prime ministers of Norway, Thorbjørn Jagland, and Israel Ehud Barak.