It is just one of the many points of the coal-compromise. But environmentalists are particularly cheering. The coal Commission is recommended to receive the hambach forest.

The coal Commission, the Federal government has made to the competitive hambach forest in North Rhine-Westphalia a recommendation. In the Morning, adopted the final report, it is said that a receipt of the forest estate was “desirable”.

The dispute between the energy group RWE and activists around the hambach forest had made headlines. A court has stopped the RWE brown coal open pit, scheduled, and authorities approved the clearing for the time being. Also places in the coal regions, such as the Rhine area and the Lausitz to soft for opencast mining.

Satisfied environmentalists

environmentalists were with this part of the final report particularly satisfied. The Chairman of the environmental Association BUND, Hubert Weiger, spoke of a strong Signal. Greenpeace Executive Director Martin Kaiser, said that the forest was saved.

Overall, the response to the compromise mixed. Environmentalists welcomed that it is now to give a quick introduction to the phase-out of coal-fired power generation. FEDERAL chief Weiger recognized “a Signal of new beginnings”. The Association was dissatisfied with the late final exit date. For refusal referred to the planned revision clause in 2035. Greenpeace also stated that they see 2015 as the actual date for the exit. The organization complained, moreover, that for the period between 2022 and 2030, between the steps for the Coal phase-missing.

environmentalists have been protesting for years against the deforestation of the hambach forest – now it looks like a success for you.

associations and trade unions, to draw a positive conclusion

the head of The mining Union IG BCE, Michael Vassiliadis, spoke of an “extraordinary result”. The climate goals would be that there are “proper Structural support” for the regions. The chief Executive of the Association of municipal companies, Katherina Reiche, praised the result as a “good basis”, in order to make the coal-fired power generation. Key points for the future perspectives and new jobs in the coalfields.

the German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW), described the agreement as the “hoped-for breakthrough”. The Commission to create planning security for the energy industry, said BDEW President Marie-Luise Wolff, and appealed to the policy, the result is determined quickly and fully implemented.

The coal Commission had agreed to a more than 20-hour marathon session that Germany should at the latest get out in 2018 from coal. 2032 is to be checked whether the exit can be in 2035 completed.