The German car industry vehicles, for the construction of electric-always more dependent on the crisis country of the Congo. This is from a still unpublished study of the mineral resources Agency DERA, the NDR Info is present.

on The international day of human rights is Prince Kihangi from the Congo to Berlin, traveled. The lawyer and mining expert, hopes to find here in Europe, more hearing rights violations in his own country in his fight against People. The Problem – as absurd as the blade, whether of wealth, he says. The wealth of raw materials. The soil is a curse to be treasures. “They have become the main cause for all conflicts.” We must pose the question of responsibility. And responsible the that mine these minerals and in the process, violate human rights primarily. But also those that you can buy. “And we buy, we are at the end of the phones.”

German car maker in a hurry

must also provide electric-car owners of the day, the question is whether they do the right thing? What is clear is that The German car maker in a hurry. In order not to lose the connection while racing to the front seats in the E-mobility, VW, BMW, Daimler and Co dependent on a raw material urgently: cobalt. The main producer: the crisis country of the Congo.

And it is even more important, also for the German car industry. This is from a still unpublished study by the German mineral resources Agency (DERA), the NDR Info. DERA belongs to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and raw materials. According to their calculations, the cobalt needs of the car could be builders in the world in the year 2026, five Times as high as it is today.

Congo as the principal cobalt supplier

Who wants to be cobalt, not past the crisis state of the Congo, explains Siyamend Al Barazi, the author of the study. The global E-mobility on the basis of the current Lithium-ion technology would not be realised without the Congo. Because of the in the heart of Africa description the Congo will continue to expand, according to the DERA to its position as the world’s biggest cobalt supplier, and its share of global mining to promote the heavy metal to 2026 to over 70 percent.

Bloody battles between militias and government

companies are required, therefore, double: first, you would like to enter in the E-car competition. On the other, you need to be in a country like the Congo: President Kabila will hold out, no matter how the choice to continue his Hand over the raw materials business. Because the experts agree.

In some parts of the country, provide armed militias and government troops in bloody battles. Not in the South, where the cobalt is mainly mined. But the people there were now in great concern, says the Prince Kihangi. They were afraid that it come here to the terrible violent clashes, as in other regions, if here now, the cobalt will be mined. “Because the demand will be great, and we have a leadership that is open to bribery and corrupt. It is impunity in the country prevails, and the judiciary is not corruptible.”


The German car companies are, therefore, reported a considerable effort to ensure that the vehicles built-in cobalt will also be promoted under decent conditions. That doesn’t, rich says Uwe Kekeritz, development policy speaker of the Greens in the Bundestag. It should be clear where the raw materials come from which mines. “How are the working conditions and the security conditions on the ground? The rules could very well legally and sampling control,” Kekeritz.

The EU has increased the pressure on the corporations, however, not in terms of human rights, but in terms of clean air: The limit values for CO2 emissions will be tightened significantly by 2030. Thus, the car companies are forced to increase the share of electric vehicles.

study on electric mobility: E-cars, less Jobs?, 05.12.2018 VW has invested 34 billion euros in electric cars, 17.11.2017 Atlas |Germany |Hamburg

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