Friday, it became known that the prosecution is requesting that the court gives Michael Cohen “a substantial period of time in prison.”

Cohens offences

Trump’s former attorney is accused of tax – and finanslovbrudd, including the violation of the law of valgkampfinansiering. In august, he declared himself guilty of eight tiltalepunkter.

Among the things Cohen has acknowledged that he paid out money to the former pornostjerna Stormy Daniels and the former playboymodellen, Karen McDougal, who both claim that they have had a relationship with president Trump.

In the case of Stormy Daniels, which is actually named Stephanie Gregory, Cohen confessed that he paid her 130 000 dollars in so-called hush-money.

According to the prosecution violates this payout with valgkampfinansieringsloven because it’s that Stormy Daniels did not go out with his story, contributed to better Donald Trump’s chances to be selected.

Ergo, the payout is a contribution to the Donald Trumps campaigning, and since valgkampfinansieringsloven prohibits people to donate more than 2700 dollars to a presidential candidate so is hush-money in violation of the law.

The same goes for Karen McDougal, where Cohen has confessed to having “caused” an illegal firmadonasjon to Donald Trump, when he urged American Media Inc., that publishes the magazine The National Enquirer, to buy history of McDougal.

Therefore to be mentioned Trump never named in the case against Michael Cohen

they did, before they “hid the matter in a tray”, and the McDougals history was never known to the public.

Will audit the Trump Organization

And it is precisely these pengeutbetalingene the prosecution will now take a yet closer look at. For in the documents that were presented to the court on Friday, so will Donald Trump directly implied. It says, among other things, that Cohen paid out the money “in collaboration with, or under the direction of” Donald Trump.

the Question the prosecution now wants to find the answer to is what other, if any, executives in the Trump Organization, who starred in breaking valgkampfinansieringsloven, writes the New York Times.

Cohen has told that the company’s finance manager was involved during the discussions about the payouts.

Michael Cohen have received back the money he even let out when he bought Stormy Daniels silence, and he claims that Donald Trump personally approved the refund.

Here it may be important to point out that neither the financial officer Allen Weisselberg, or some other top corporate executives in the Trump organization so far is accused of doing something wrong, and there are no indications that they will be indicted for something in case the opportunity.

nevertheless have the prosecution in recent weeks contacted the Trump Organization again to request the documents and material they had requested earlier in the year.

At the time when the two women got hush-money was the Trump is still head of the Trump Organization, and even though he had handed over the reins to his sons, he owns still the company through a so-called “trust”.

Although the prevailing view in the department of Justice is that a sitting president cannot be charged with, then can the prosecution consider to aim the Trump after he has left The white house. They can also attempt to get his diploma if they continue the investigation to find out if anyone else may have had a role in the offences.

Adam Schiff, one of the most prominent democrats in the house of Representatives, have also bitten off notice in the formulation of the prosecutor that Cohen should have paid the money “in collaboration with, or under the direction” of Donald Trump.

My point is that there is a real possibility that the day Donald Trump leaves the presidency so can the Justice department accused him, and that he is the first president in a very long time that the risk of ending up in prison, ” says Schiff to CNN.

Prosecutors will give Cohen, a “significant” prison sentence Paid back to Cohen

According to the prosecution should Trump Organization have paid back the 130 000 dollars Cohen used to pay Stormy Daniels. In addition to Cohen have been refunded the tax he had to go out with, plus the other expenses he had had, so that the sum total was 420 000 dollars.

the Prosecution claim that the company in internal documents “erroneously” has recorded the payments as “legal fees”, when in reality, they were expenses related to the election.

Michael Cohen was Donald Trumps private lawyer and one of his chief counselors, and leaders in the forretningsimperiet Trump Organization.

In addition to having been convicted for a variety of conditions, Cohen also said guilty to having lied to the Senate etterretningskomité about Trump’s plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Donald Trump has several times since Cohens office Timebet was raided in the spring, hammered loose against his former attorney. The last time he accused Cohen of lying to get reduced punishment.

Would give the penthouse in Trump tower to Putin