The governments in Berlin and Paris were presented on Friday to the other EU member States a new proposal for the Revision of the European Gas Directive, which the news Agency AFP. Accordingly, the responsibility for Pipelines would be with third States such as Russia in the EU country where the line for the first time on the European network.

The EU member States want to set on Friday its Position on the Revision of the European Gas Directive before negotiations with the EU begin in Parliament. The French foreign Ministry announced on Thursday that Paris wool unlike Germany votes for a tightening of the rules for Pipelines from third countries. This could also have consequences for Nord Stream 2 and the project may be uneconomical.

The German-French proposal specified that the country “is where the first point of interconnection with the network of the member States”, for the negotiations with third States and is to be responsible. The joint proposal of Germany and France was submitted on the Friday before the lunch scheduled to vote on the Gas Directive and the other EU States.

Russian Gas through the Baltic sea

Nord Stream 2 is to be transported from the end of 2019 Russian Gas through the Baltic sea to Germany. Germany would be the distributor to main for Russian gas in Western Europe, while Poland and the Ukraine would be weakened as a transit country for Gas supplies. Construction has already begun.

until now, the EU Council of member States, not a majority, of the Revision of the Gas Directive. With the support of France and other countries, Germany was able to prevent a common Position of 28 member States for a tightening.

The Federal government did not want to speak first to the public of the compromise document. “It decisions are, we are with France and all the others in the conversation,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in response to the AFP report. He did not want to comment, “in the proceedings”. (fal/afp)

Created: 08.02.2019, 12:17 PM