The Germans consume bags less plastic, but the handle is to thin bag is widely used in super markets is still far. 2018, the customers consumed per head, on average, 37 of this bag.

The handle to the thin plastic bag in the fruit and vegetable departments of German supermarkets still widely used. According to the Federal Ministry for the environment, the consumer of 2018 took advantage of average per capita 37 of this bag, only two less than in 2017, with a Per capita consumption of 39 bags.

In the past year were consumed in Germany, slightly more than three billion of the small bag. This is clear from a response by the Federal government to a request of the FDP group in the Bundestag, reports the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

bags, The Germans consume less plastic, and will always be used often thin bag.

The Germans had bags additionally, even more thin plastic than in the years 2016 and 2015, as the Per capita consumption of 36 units to be located. In contrast, the consumption of the common plastic bag has fallen dramatically. These have halved since 2016 – from 45 to 24 in the year 2018.

– Thin plastic bags are free of charge

The reason: Many dealers give plastic more from carrier bags free of charge while in the supermarket in the fruit and vegetable departments, the thin pouches are usually available free of charge. The small bags are also exempt from a European Directive aimed at reducing plastic bag consumption on the continent.

Judith Skudelny, environmental policy spokeswoman for the FDP parliamentary group, criticized in the light of the Figures of the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), the threat of failure with their “icon-policy to reduce plastic waste” to: “, your measures remain piecemeal and inconsistent,” said Skudelny of the “New osnabrück newspaper”.