Benny Nielsen has worked on the Coops warehouse in Hasselager in nearly 34 years. Most years have been good, but the last year has it with Benny Nielsen’s changed radically.
Yet he was surprised when he was accosted by the two leaders after a restroom in October last year.
– I close the door, and there stands two of my team leaders at my truck just outside of the restroom. One of them says: ‘It was a longer visit, you had it,’ explains Benny Nielsen for the Magazine 3F.
‘When you are away, there are others who will do your work,’ he says so. I ask him if he has forgotten that I got rid of the colon in 2013 and therefore has multiple restroom facilities. He has not, ” says Benny Nielsen.
Benny Nielsen’s illness means that he must, on the toilet 6-10 times a day.
– How long have you been here, I ask the team leader ‘Since 20.41’, he replies. I’m looking at my wristwatch, which is at 20.50. So it is a little under 10 minutes, says Benny Nielsen.
– I’m trying to tell him, that I make myself finish, washes hands, dries them and spritter my hands at the restroom. It is, after all, the food we handle. He just asking, I’m sorry to be that, since I will set me up, says Benny Nielsen.
the Incident is the last straw that gets bægret to float over for Benny Nielsen. The day after, he seeks a doctor, and the message is not to be mistaken: He has stress and must be certified. In total there are Benny Nielsen on sick leave for five weeks.
– It was of course not only the one episode that made the difference, says the 65-year-old warehouse worker.
– The worst is the constant monitoring. Leaders and patrol solely in order to show that they keep an eye on us. They accompany us when we go in and take a cup of coffee or cocoa. You almost can’t go in peace. It is the terror, says Benny Nielsen.
A new study shows that 8 out of 10 of the employees feel monitored and the pressure in the warehouse. It got in the last week, a group of employees to send an anonymous cry for help to Coops management.
the Episode from last fall and is still sitting in the aarhus warehouse worker:
I was angry and disappointed, for I have always done my work to the best of their ability, and I felt resentful that my team leader stood and insinuated that I just waggle the of on the toilet, ” says Benny Nielsen.
He has been employed at Coops stock since 1986 and have always be able to meet the requirements of the work, fol.a. the so-called packages-numbers, which measure how many units, the staff handles.
Now he has a call to the storage management:
– to stop the terror and patrols. It can’t be true, that you have to go to work and be creepy.
Magazine 3F have tried in vain to get a comment from the management at the Coop warehouse in Hasselager.
– In the next week after the board meeting ( in the Coops board of directors, red.) we will come back with the answer to the conflict, In believe there is. We can not go into discussions on concrete personsager in the media, says Lars Aarup, communication and analysechef in the Coop.