Friday night there was again invited up to the big tv war between DR1 and TV2.

Here sent DR1 namely once again ‘Singalong for’ with Phillip Faber, while TV2 blinded up for the first part of the ‘X Factor’final.

on Friday of last week it was Phillip Faber and DR, who ran with the big victory with 835.000 viewers, while TV2 had to settle with 717.000 viewers.

See also: Surprised the tv-expert, I have never seen anything like it

Thus beat DR the competitor with more than 100,000 viewers – exactly 118.000.

And a similar picture we see again on Friday, where DR and ‘Sing’ again has a higher viewing figures than ’the X Factor’final.

Friday had the first part of the ‘X Factor’-the final 633.000 viewers (35 percent), while DR and ‘Sing for’ had 791.000 viewers (49 percent).

the DR had 158.000 viewers more, despite the fact that there were sent the finale on TV2.

Saturday had the ‘X Factor’, however, more viewers than on Fridays. Here they were on the 757.000 viewers, when it was decided that the Alma Agger run with the victory.

‘Sing for’ again had more viewers than ’the X Factor’, even though that Friday was the finale. Photo: Mogens Flindt

despite the fact that TV2 again loses ground to DR, they are, however, happy for the number of viewers who have followed.

– We are so happy and proud over a beautiful ’X Factor’ finale weekend on TV2, which was settled for an unparalleled season! It is not earlier in ’the X Factor’s history seen, in the middle of the serial format has held a nine-week enforced break, and we are relieved and happy that despite the extensive changes in the production are managed on a so nice show to end the ’X Factor’ by 2020, says the underholdningsredaktør of TV2 Dorte Borregaard, who continues:

– For the first time in the Danish ’X Factor’ we sent a two-day finale. On Friday we shared again the viewers with the ’community singing’, where we welcome the fact that 44 percent of the 20-60-year-old chose to see ’X Factor’ – and Saturday evening then 60 percent of viewers between 20 and 60 years finaleafslutningen, where Alma Agger was named as this year’s winner of the ’X Factor’ 2020. Again, we can see that ’X-Factor’ also doing really nice on the TV 2 PLAY over the weekend, so with a time delay sening increase the numbers further, she says further.

Phillip Faber has really managed to gather the danes. Photo credit: Kim Matthäi Leland

See also: New job for Phillip Faber

Keld Reinicke is one of the leading tv experts. He has worked both on DR and TV2, where he has been head.

subject to the extraordinary coronasituation he concludes that it has not been the strongest ‘X Factor’in tv history.

– You have a winner and a loser, and here, it seems that ‘X Factor’ is the loser. If people really followed it, would the numbers be exploded on Saturday, but they did not. Although the numbers are still great, so can the ‘X Factor’ is not the same as it was in the past, he says, and adds:

– The here coronatid, where you have had to stop ‘X Factor’ in a while, it is clearly not good for a program where you should follow week to week. The whole spændingskurven have had to break. To be fair in the assessment of the ‘X Factor’, one must remember, that you never previously have experienced a breach of the format in this way.

Despite the halvlunkne ratings and lussingen from the DR’s hjemmestrikkede singalong think Keld Reinicke, that it is too early to voice Culture home or to drop the concept.

– of Course you have to make it again in a normal year. If it does not go satisfactorily, one must consider the future, but to close it now on this background, it would be wrong

– Should Culture be replaced?

– I have looked on the ‘X Factor’-the format in other countries, and the countries that do best with the ‘X Factor’, is the country that has a very strong character. So if you ask me, Culture is probably the last, I would switch out. It would be a very tame program without him.

En Ekstra Bladet on Friday evening met the ‘X Factor’-judges Thomas Culture and Oh Land as well as the hostess Sofie Linde, explained they, what they are thinking about, to Phillip Faber and ‘Singalong’ have overtaken them on the viewers.

you can read more about here:

Film, tv & radio – 23. may. 2020 – pm. 10:21 Rebuke DR: They won not at all