How safe is it to Berlin? In what offences there is an increase? What are the categories of Offence the police must pay more attention? Where were there successes? Today, Wednesday morning Senator Andreas hostage, SPD, and Berlin’s police President Barbara Slowik the crime statistics for Berlin will be presented. Here are the first facts are Twitter – our colleague Alexander Fröhlich.
security: we Begin with the first core facts: It was in the year 2018 a little more than 510.000 crimes. This is a decrease of 1.7%, or 8760 cases. The education rate is 44.4 per cent – means that a slight increase of 0.2 percent.
the Minister of the interior: As the Senator for the interior rating of the security situation? Andreas Geisel, the SPD, says: “Berlin has once again become a safer place – even though Berlin is growing.” It’s all not going to just get worse. The Numbers showed the opposite.
increases in: The number of Basement break-ins in Berlin has risen again to 11.4 percent. Also drug-related offences (+7,4 %) and credit frauds (+6,3 %). The massive growth in the case of offences against the residence, the asylum and the law on free Movement. There, the number rose to more than 1100 cases (+24,7 %).
The feedback: striking are above all the successes in the fight against pickpockets – apparently gangs have been caught or deterred. Because the Numbers fell by 2018 to more than 7000 cases (- 26,2%). Particularly striking are the Numbers in the billing fraud in the healthcare system – in comparison to the previous year, there were nearly 3000 cases, which are 97 percent decline. Also, the number of residential burglaries (-11,7%), theft of or from cars (-11,2%), as well as the Car theft itself (-14.5%) declined.
Politically motivated crime: abbreviation: PMK. The Numbers: declined slightly, but the number of violence offences has increased from 486 to 578. A decline in right-wing crime – less propaganda-related offences, but more violence. The increase is, however, in the case of the politically motivated crime-left to extreme – mainly due to actions in the Demo.
homicide: Berlin is bloody – the number of homicides increased slightly from 91 to 94. However, These Figures are significantly lower than in prior years. An example: in 2014, there were 131, in the 90s, even 200 per year.
sexual offences: The Numbers continue to increase – but this is also due to a tightening of laws in 2016. In the case of 4181 cases 2410 suspects were identified. 96 percent of them are men and 37 percent of non-German nationality.
the coarseness of the offences, such as assault, robbery, and threat: , The number stagnated on a high level. 79 percent of the suspects are men and 38 percent do not have German nationality.
party capital: In Berlin, there were 2018, more drug-related crimes – the Stand is the highest for ten years. What was registered? More violations in the case of Cannabis, less trafficking and smuggling. Above all, however, 17 percent more trade in, and possession of cocaine.
fire attacks: , we Take the arson attacks on vehicles, of which 273 have been reported. But Only 27 were politically motivated. The vast majority of goods, insurance fraud, vandalism, or neighborhood dispute.
Internet: caution screen! Almost 31,000 cases of Internet crime and Cybercrime, registered with the Berlin police. Means: increase of 15 percent – the highest level for ten years. Clearance rate for this offence only at 32 percent. Above all, it is fraud – credit cards, services, data, data Theft , and child pornography.
theft from vehicles: the Lowest level since 2010. More than 56 percent of the Suspects were not German – 33 percent, “travelers offender.” Little tip for all car owners: Navis are out, are in demand for Airbags.
crime in public transport: No fear in the U – and S-Bahn? Acts of violence such as assault, deprivation of liberty and threats have become less frequent. But There is something more the body were registered injury and significantly more sexual offences. The other categories of Offence on the railway stations: less thefts, more insult and damage to property. More Delays? Different Topic.
The two from the security headquarters, police chief Barbara Slowik and interior Senator Andreas hostage, SPD.Photo: Helena Piontek
read more in the daily mirror to the police statistics
– The Numbers are on the decline. Everywhere? In Kladow and Gatow, there was a series of burglaries. Read more here in the Spandau-Newsletter.
The crime statistics 2018: the Figures in the previous year, looked – here is the daily mirror-Text.
The police statistics for Spandau – District for the District of. In which District of mainly break-ins are perpetrated? Where are the pickpockets? Listed by the Senate administration for internal Affairs. Here is an Overview of the Spandau-Newsletter.
– Like statistics problems disappear. Theoretically, a society is conceivable in which there are, according to statistics, almost no crime. Because the people have lost all confidence in the police and the judiciary. A daily mirror comment by Harald Martenstein.
– All 17 minutes-is stolen in Berlin a Bicycle. At least 30,000 bicycles stolen per year in Berlin. The police is not against the fence, and bound. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
– the number of homo – and TRANS-hostile violence is on the rise. 313 homo – and TRANS-enemy crimes were registered in Germany in 2018. Here is the daily mirror-Text.
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