“The crisis is far from over in war-torn Syria”

“It has been almost eight years since the war broke out in Syria. President Bashar al-Assad appears to be winning out of the fighting and discussions are ongoing on how the country should be built up again.”

“But the huge humanitarian needs remain, reminiscent of the Swedish Red Cross Mellanösternchef, who recently visited Damascus.”

“Syrienkriget is coming to an end. Of the member IS the self-proclaimed ”

“In northwestern Syria fought battles between several armed groups, including the banned terrorist jihadistalliansen Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). In the northeast controlled large territories of kurdish YPG militias and a civilian kurds from the rule is allowed where.”

“With the help of powerful allies – especially Iran and Russia has been Syrian president Bashar al-Assad been able to secure its grip on the country. His army now controls around two-thirds of Syria, and the regime has begun to encourage syrians who have fled to return to the areas that the classifies as safe.”

“But the relief agencies on the spot are seeing continued massive humanitarian emergency.”

“– The international rhetoric is more and more that Syria is now entering a postkonfliktfas, or a rebuilding phase. But we see many needs that can’t wait until its needs are now. Such as is a prerequisite for people to be able to survive, ” says Andrei Engstrand Neacsu, Swedish Red Cross Mellanösternchef.”

“– You can easily get the image of the acute phase of the crisis in Syria now is over. It is not true.”

“Aindrei Engstrand Neacsu has recently visited the capital city of Damascus – one of the cities where a part is now choosing to return.”

“– The millions of syrians who have fled their homes, some of which are now beginning to return, come back to absolutely nothing. Many cities are also severely overpopulated, people live on top of each other, ” says Andrei Engstrand Neacsu.”

“Among the clouds see Andrei Engstrand Neacsu, the lack of opportunities for the civilian population to support themselves on their own. It can be about owning a goat or two, or have access to a small land in order to be able to operate a simpler agriculture.”

“No such possibility exists in principle, not in Syria at the moment.”

“– There is almost no agriculture at all.”

“Only 30 psychiatrists”

“Several figures, highlights the massive humanitarian crisis in the country.”

“More than half of Syria’s health facilities were completely or partially destroyed at the end of 2017. Last year missing around 35% of the population access to clean drinking water, according to the world health organization, the WHO.”

“a Total of around 13 million people in the country need some type of humanitarian assistance, according to the UN agency Ocha. Five million of these are children. Particularly vulnerable are the approximately six million internally displaced persons who left their homes and who are now in other places in the country, including in refugee camps.”

“the War has also left more invisible tracks. For the syrians who suffer psychological trauma after having suffered painful losses, violence and torture, it is difficult to get help.”

” most of The psychiatrists have fled the country. There are only between 30 and 35 psychiatrists left in the whole of Syria, said Andrei Engstrand Neacsu.”

“the Conflict in Syria broke out in march 2011 after the so-called arab spring, when several governments in the region challenged by demonstrations and rebellious moods. The syrian opposition claimed president Bashar al-Assad’s departure and in the current situation, democratic reforms, but the resistance were cut partly by other interests.”

“the War brought in the day in the practice of regional great powers, by proxy. Bashar al-Assad’s government forces have with Russia, Iran and the lebanese Hizbollahmilisens support forced the rebels and jihadistgrupper from a series of strongholds in the country.”

“Often the regime’s takeover was preceded by long sieges and comprehensive bombing raid, with large civilian casualties as a result. In many cases, negotiations have been held with the rebels, who had to choose between that bussed in the way to the other rebellhållna areas or to remain under the regime’s rule. Mediation has often been handled by Russia, but the counterparty has not in practice had any major options other than to give up or give in.”

“In north and northeast Syria to check the kurdish forces large areas, but there are also Turkietallierade rebel forces. Turkey has carried out luftanfall against kurdish positions in the area and has plans to ”

“Sources: institute of Foreign affairs, AFP, Reuters”