Always complain NHS patients with long waiting times for an appointment with a specialist: health Minister Spahn wants to improve the supply and has submitted to a law. The Opposition is not convinced.

It will probably also be in the future, so that patients need to canvass for an appointment, the Doctors. However, it is less likely to happen promises to be the Minister of health, Jens Spahn in the Bundestag in the debate on many of the government’s planned changes to patient care. “What we want of each other, is a real quantum leap,” he says.

for example, the so-called appointment to service in the future under the unified number 116117 day and online 24 hours a day. And you get new tasks: to help the patients in need due to an acute illness quickly a doctor. You should also help to find Doctors that take permanently the patient. Physicians will have to offer at least 25 office hours a week.

panning To the Doctors, Spahn on incentives. “For the acceptance of new patients, for a faster appointment, it will be in the future, in addition to money,” he says. “It will be worth it, of course.” No one should be punished, when it comes to new patients.

On the way to the fast Arztermin? Spahns plans call forth criticism.

Fee increases for Doctors in the country

There, where today is already a shortage of Doctors, especially in rural areas, should further fee surcharges. Fee increases are also provided for physiotherapists, speech therapists and other healing professions. All of this will bring significant improvements, says Spahn.

the SPD looks so. You, however, requires improvements for patients with mental disorders. The draft law provides that you have to go through before the actual therapy a preliminary study. As we go on, go for it, says the SPD-health expert, Sabine Dittmar. “Instead of additional hurdles to establish, we need to ensure that it is a therapeutic therapy is a comprehensive, time close to the ceiling, access to psycho,” she says. “A treatment-oriented in nature and scope to the needs of patients.”