The St. Gallen cantonal government and financial Director Benedikt Würth (CVP) is the official candidate for the States-election of a substitute from the 10. March 2019. The 165 delegates of the cantonal party-nominated Würth on Saturday in Mörschwil, SG, unanimously.
The 50-year-old CVP-politicians from Rapperswil-Jona SG wants to be in the Council of States, the successor of Karin Keller-Sutter (FDP) on 5. December, was elected to the Federal Council. Würth belongs, since 2011, the St. Gallen government. First of all, he was the Director of Economics; he is currently head of the Department of Finance.
in Addition, he is Chairman of the conference of the cantonal governments. He did not know how the networks in Bern, work, wrote Würth at the announcement of his candidacy a week ago. “I know how you are coming across party lines to good, sustainable results, and have experience with complex negotiations.”
Fight order
the Council of States seat of Karin Keller-Sutter, at 10. March to a combat choice. With whom the FDP wants to defend the seat is still open. The 38-year-old national Council of Marcel Dobler has signaled interest, called also a member of the Parliament President Imelda Stadler and certain day, Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher.
also Likely to be a candidate of the SVP, which failed so far in the Council of States elections in the Canton of St. Gallen, in 2011, Toni Brunner and 2015, with Thomas Müller. For the SVP in the race Regierungsrat Stefan Kölliker, or Esther Friedli, the life partner of the getretetenen Nationalrat Toni Brunner could rise.
Possible candidacy of the Green. The SP, with Paul Rechsteiner holds the second St. Gallen councillor’s seat, is expected to begin in March. The 66-year-old Rechsteiner wants to defend his seat in the Federal elections in the autumn of 2019. (fal/sda)
Created: 15.12.2018, 14:32 PM