Greenland’s Surreal Dream: Joining CONCACAF

Greenland, the Arctic island known for its icy landscapes and sparse population, may soon be stepping into the world of international football. With aspirations to join the CONCACAF, the football federation of North and Central America, Greenland is making waves in the sports world.

Despite its vast size, Greenland currently does not have an official national football team. This is due in part to the fact that 85% of the land is covered in ice, and only 57,000 people call it home. However, in terms of population, Greenland surpasses countries like Montserrat and Saint Kitts and Nevis, which are already members of the CONCACAF.

Even in the face of harsh weather conditions, Greenland has a thriving football culture. With 76 football clubs and 5500 registered players, nearly ten percent of the population is involved in the sport. However, maintaining grass fields is a challenge due to the extreme temperatures, leading to the use of gravel or artificial turf in most cases.

As a territory of Denmark located geographically in North America, Greenland faces restrictions in joining the UEFA, which requires recognition by the United Nations. The CONCACAF, on the other hand, does not have such limitations, opening the door for Greenland’s football ambitions.

Former footballer and current national team coach Morten Rutkjaer is the driving force behind Greenland’s football dreams. Rutkjaer emphasizes the importance of inspiring the youth and creating opportunities for aspiring professional footballers. Despite the climate challenges, plans are in place to potentially build a covered football field to extend the playing season.

While Greenland currently engages in friendly matches with smaller nations, the team is set to face Turkmenistan in an upcoming exhibition match in Turkey. With players scattered across Denmark and Iceland, Greenland is making strides towards its goal of international recognition in the football world.

In conclusion, Greenland’s journey towards joining the CONCACAF is a testament to the power of dreams and perseverance in the face of unique challenges. As the country continues to carve its path in the football arena, the world watches with anticipation to see what the future holds for Greenlandic football.