To set the values against atheism does not say much either, because atheists, as a group, considered to lack a shared set of values.

Carl-Erik Sahlberg writes in his letter to the editor in DN’s View that the good, healthy christianity would solve many of society’s problems. He, however, provides no examples of what values it’s all about, why those are good and sound, why he sees them as christians or how to use them to solve problems in society.

In rather than repeat he example of, according to him, the good things that christianity brought and dismiss the bad. But the claim that christianity’s contribution to the world is good, it should also be able to recognise the outmoded and poor pages. To pick the raisins out of the cake and at the slightest criticism, pointing a klandrande finger against atheism is neither honest, mature or constructive.

Atheism is really no active, positive position, without a consequence for not going with the religions demands for truth about the supposed gods. There are no common values that bring together atheists and, therefore, is the comparison between the samhällsbidragen from christianity and atheism limping.

That being an atheist says nothing about what beliefs or values you hold true. A more interesting comparison is to be found between christianity and secular humanism, a philosophy of life that actually offers a common set of values for us that are not god-believers.

the human rights values and is therefore the assessment of something as good or healthy based on empathy and compassion. An act is good if it helps people, and bad if it does damage.

This principle is also the maximum of the inclusive and not the preserve of the followers. Secular humanism also means that man rejects the supernatural and adopts a science-based approach to find solutions to different life problems.

It has for many proved to be very practical in the modern world. Humanists believe that people are human and that we need to treat each other with dignity and work together to achieve our goals.

religions sooner or later play out the role that they once had, both good and bad, as there are better options for good and healthy values. Until then, it would be beneficial for religions advocate, and in this case christianity, if they wanted to provide a more descriptive picture of their values and respond to the legitimate alternatives to their beliefs instead of the publish atheism.