the fashion retail industry in Sweden fell by 2.8 per cent in 2018. It is presented as a bad news in the business news sites. But hooray, I say! We buy a little less clothes can not be any bad news, not when it comes to climate change, pollution, biodiversity and the world’s access to fresh water.

manufacturers, think again! Hire not more advertisers and vendors, employ rather than seamstresses and tailors. Bet on to nurture, to cook and sew if already purchased clothing instead of to drown the market in ever-increasing cheap mass production.

We buy almost 13 kilos of clothes per year and person in Sweden, and about half are thrown away without even been used. An average t-shirt used four times.

focus on quality rather than quantity, that will help you develop your personal style instead of being a slave to a predetermined massmode. Thinking vintage, retro and am willing to take care of and mend or sew, if your älsklingsplagg.

We shall not quit consuming, but we should do it with reflection, choice, and style. Already, there are textiles made so that it lasts for generations to come!