Nina Jardegart have the right, in its letters to the editor on the DN Opinion: to blame the problem of discarded cigarette butts on smokers is wrong.
On July 1 exacerbated the situation. Then tightened the rules for utomhusrökning.
Only in Stockholm, is disposed of half-a-million cigarette butts a day. In Sweden the figure is according to the organisation Keep Sweden tidy, a billion butts per year.
not reduce in the summer. The figure is defeated not by the power of the enthusiasts of the Swedish associations.
Nina Jardegart have lost hope that the company resolves the problem, but it has not. When we push out the smokers out on the street the politicians have forgotten that assist smokers to responsibly take on the cigarette butts. Indoors and on the outdoor terraces, in the past the ashtray on the table. Out on the street, we must now be able to offer a flexible alternative.
how big the problem is and how important it is that industry and municipalities work together to solve it – is a sample calculation in its place. If we were to add up all the cigarette butts that are thrown away in the country every year there will be 2,000 kilometres.
Smokers do not want to throw cigarette butts on the ground. They can attest to how difficult it already is to find an ashtray or a public trash can to throw fimpen in.
But, then, it is well just to take home fimpen? Save it in your pocket, in the cover maybe? No, for cigarette butts smell.
the new challenge. For decades, smokers were offered different containers in plastic, glass and metal that after a few times must be discarded because of the smell.
We have therefore developed an odourless and fire retardant engångsaskfat for 15-20 cigarette butts. The invention called Nanobin is made of recycled paper and comply with the EU standard so that it is possible to throw in the household waste.
This eco-innovation was a finalist in this year’s Clean Tech Challenge. Engångsaskfatet made of recycled paper and airtight so that it closes inside the smell and extinguishes the glow.
to get a billion butts on the ground down to zero. This is an example of when the business can provide a solution to environmental problems.