when Sweden joined THE EU after a referendum in 1994. It was not a resounding majority was for. The fear of a supranational EUROPE was great. Why should other countries decide over Sweden, many asked themselves.

25 years later it is only half of the swedes who vote in the EU elections. It can not be described in any other way than a democratic fiasco.

Time goes on, but the question is. The EU has become a supranational commission like so many people warned? It can be debated, but that the EU is going in that direction, no doubt.

Emmanuel Macron speaks of an ambition of the union to replace the nation states ways to manage their societies with the EU laws and regulations. Within the EU, adopted the minimum wage is such a proposal, which would strike hard against the Swedish model.

the EU is no longer an organization, whose main purpose is peace and trade. The EU is becoming more and more a united states of Europe, where member states differ too much to be able to argue that the union exists in an environment of consensus and harmony.

in Reality, the EU symbolizes more and more an organisation with a growing lust for power over its member states. Time and time again, Sweden is reluctant to adapt its legislation to the EU norm, even if it means deterioration.

and the lobbyists ‘ heaven. In the week was voted, among other things, new copyrightdirektiv through in the european Parliament. The decision will censor the internet and limit free speech. The proportion of votes separated the yes against the no side can count on one hand.

When the interests of big business always take precedence before the small business and the nation states of the populations of well-being, the EU will continue to dig the pit that is filled with people’s dissatisfaction towards the union’s supranational ambitions. This is one of many proof that the EU is the lobbyists and storföretagarnas heaven.

the Uk’s Brexit-movement is not alone. It is found in all the countries of Europe, and grows stronger in the countries that are experiencing deterioration of the union’s imposition of directives, laws and regulations.

for the Swedish part is road safety. Before may of last year, there was a requirement on the lastsäkringen who said that if you run the cargo vehicle shall withstand the entire weight of the load forward, half sideways and half backwards, in case of a collision. After may 2018, it is enough 80% of the weight of the load forward in accordance with the EU directive. What the consequences are when a serious traffic accident can bring the most terrible thoughts.

the EU is not an organization that advocates the interests. The EU does not want to sell the snuff, want to legislate a state minimum wage and reduce the unions ‘ influence, contribute to unsound meat production with lower environmental, health and animal welfare standards on meat products.

the Relationship can be likened to a couple who are in great need to become särbos. The EU is not like Sweden, Sweden is not like the EU.

can not single-handedly change the EU and push the EU in the Swedish direction. All who believe that the 20 seats is enough to get a Swedish agenda is nothing but unrealistic optimists.

It is like somebody goes with the sweden democrats, in the hope of making The sweden democrats to a party that advocates a liberal immigration policy. It is possible, not today, not tomorrow and not next week.

the EU has brought good things to the benefit of the citizens, an example is the freedom of movement and all that belongs to it. Research collaborations and the environment are two other important areas that Sweden can’t manage to drive on their own.

you can get without the bad. There is not a man who would accept to be forced to eat a disgusting cake just for the for a good. We like different countries like different, individuals like different.

Let Sweden do as Norway and remain independent from the EU and its lobbyismstyrda supranational decisions. Sweden need it, the trade union movement need it, people need it.

Let us all admit that we should leave the EU, to cooperate with the EU in which both parties are in agreement, and remain a country where we ourselves decide how we want to live and manage our society.