We agree with the submitter of Lars Thulin at the DN Opinion (15 march) that there should be separate elections for the parliament, the regions and municipalities.

Knowledge about what regions, which was previously called councils, are doing is bad in many. A mother wrote in the DN a complaint is directed to the prime minister, when her son had to wait for a long time of operation at the New Karolinska. A daughter wrote a letter to the editor about the state of betrayal, when the mother did not get adequate care in the end of life. There are many examples, we have spoken with many, and drawn the attention of countless misunderstandings.

the Swedish people deem health care as one of the most important issues. Health care is governed by the region/county and paid for by the landstingskatten. However, there is still almost no coverage in the media of the various political parties ‘ policies.

between county politicians on tv. Ostentatious scandals taken up, but, unfortunately, the most to the overall political contempt. But what healthcare policies we should plan for and have, and what should be prioritised, are not discussed with county politicians in the media.

However, the issue with the party leader, who compete to provide one or two billion extra to health care. It may sound much, but compared to health care in Stockholm, where 25 per cent of Sweden’s population lives, costing 60 billion. Hence, only 4.3 billion from the state. The remaining 55,7 billion is landstingsskatt, which is equivalent to over 92%.

It gets confusing for people when health care is discussed on a national level. Although the parliament can pass laws about, for example, the operation of the hospitals and the state also pays a large part of the training of health professionals. But health care is paid almost exclusively by the county council tax and its content is governed by the county politicians. This media must highlight the better.

of parliament, the region and municipality is, therefore, something to think about. It would certainly clarify what belongs where. It is important for democracy that people know what they are voting on.