On Medieakademins top ten list of Facebook entries that have received the most engagement in 2018 is a älgräddning in the first place. In the video clip seen a dramatic effort by firefighters in Munkfors who saves the life of a moose.

we do not know. It is not at all unlikely that she met the same fate as the around 80,000 moose shot dead in the Swedish forests every year.

How is it possible that we rejoice that a moose is rescued to life at the same time, we support the killing of the same animal? Even to the animals within our agriculture, we have a, to say the least chipped approach.

How can we care for the animals at the same time that we expose them to this horrible existence? Is it not time that in 2019 to leave the deadly habits and the hollow excuses? We can create a society where our food is not based on the suffering of others and death.

The Economist that 2019 will be the year when the based on a study finding an impact. Both animals and people would benefit if this prediction turns out.