Speaking of the study on the bad condition seems many believe that there is a lack of information that is the problem. Cheeky träningsexperter hopping with high knees in the breakfast television programmes to show how ”simple” can increase the flåset and in favour of lower thresholds to get started people.

Unfortunately they manage to not lowering the threshold. Get with bad condition will feel ”Yes! I’ll try” but rather ”Nah shame on you, it can do that I never”.

as they have always done and expect people to suddenly start exercising, eat more green and stop smoking? Not even everyone who wants to train to succeed, half of those who begin exercising stop within 3-6 months. Just look at any gym anywhere in January compared with march, or Monday compared with Friday.

instead of dismissing the bad stamina that they had too little information or have bad character, we should consider why it is so difficult, and what makes someone not just want to, but also succeed over time.

in practice. In the best case, you work a bit with the motivational interviewing, but often seems to rely more on the classic bad conscience (you know that you should work out), anecdotal experiences (this worked for me), beliefs (you just have to decide) than the evidence-based practices. And so they blame one defeat in that the client is unmotivated.

For some of us will exercise and training will never be nice and fun, despite the fact that many ”experts” claim that it must be fun to work out. Of course it is easier to do the fun stuff, but we can actually do things that are a bit tedious or boring, if we feel that it is meaningful and leads to something that is important to us.

sustainable health behaviour is to do what feels meaningful to us, that we feel free to choose an activity and level that we feel that we are capable of and that the environment likes us no matter what we choose to do. Unfortunately it is quite far from the messages that abound.

the Media is bombing us with unrealistic ideals, the coach focuses on performance, health promoters, trying to convince reluctant exercisers, elitmotionerande managers reward Vasaloppsmeriter and self-righteous pundits are claiming that electric bikes are ”cheating”. No wonder that many do not even try.

stop using people’s guilt, or the longing for social recognition in order to get them to make healthy choices. Only then will we attract motivationens magical power for the same driving force that leads us to great deeds also operates mikroförändringar and the small, everyday choices that affect our health far more than the ambitious plans which do not agree, and only adds to the feeling of failure.

It is not enough just to lower the thresholds, sometimes we need to remove them completely and open another door which let people choose for themselves and give the professional (evidence-based) to support in these elections.

Do things that works for you, when it works for you, and don’t worry about what others do or think, they live not your life. If you want to get better stamina – which is good for the body, the brain, performance and mood so you can get it without his scamper around with high knees. Without the guilty conscience and unnecessary thresholds.