The conscripts can be sent out for emergency or preventive action as snow removal, cutting firebreaks in forest fires, efforts at flooding and the like. We need a functioning civil society.

Combine the benefit with the benefit to put unemployed young people into work, particularly young men who have passed the school or for other reasons not found in the labour market or to further education.

in the self-discipline, humility, cooperation and to develop their konsekvenstänkande – during a period in life when many young people have not yet developed this.

Young men and boys are often behind in this, by genetic and hormonal causes, which create unnecessary worries in adolescence.

I hope that some of our politicians have the will and the ability to see over the departementsgränserna and start thinking more overrun to find more similar overall solutions.

a whole series of economic benefits if you look into the kingdom’s needs and how you can use, for example, the arbetskraftsresurs as idle, ill-health and social problems as a result.