In dübendorf blows an icy Wind. On this day in January is to be seen in the periphery between the village centre and Stettbach no man. Empty streets, lined with simple apartment blocks, built for people of lower income layer. What is striking is the Zion hall of the mission work midnight cry – a Church that proclaims from its headquarters in dübendorf, like the time in the world appears here only.

About 200 meters ahead, Sandra Walker, (Name sits changed) in your living room and pray. Not out of religious Conviction but out of fear for their existence. “I pray that me, the social service Dübendorf is finally in peace.”

The 33-Year-old feels by the staff of the social services, harassed, and money, and cheated. Among other things, it accuses the office to have your registration intentionally delayed. Several applications have you made since January 2015, the social assistance they received, however, until October 2016. It passed months without the Walker money would have seen. This despite the fact that their plight persists for some time.

As “unkempt”

it provides rekurrierte the district Council type. This was the appeal in March 2018, partly good and committed Dübendorf for the Payment of arrears. “You still owe me money,” says Walker. Only the health insurance premiums and individual Cost-sharing took over the Department of social services subsequently. But not the missed monthly social assistance, although the decision requires.

Instead, the Department of social services, wrote tendentious reports about Walker. After a home visit in November 2016, the mother of two is described as “unkempt” and “implausible”. Some things in the report proved to be a misinterpretation of what düben prompted the Beistandsschaft village to put an end to the Department of social services. The report was “disparaging and offensive”, writes the former Deputy and recorded a different, much more positive picture of their client. The municipal administration does not comment “due to privacy reasons,” to each of the allegations.

close to the extreme Right

The head of the social assistance dübendorf as early as 2015 for the negative headlines, because they had shared on Facebook of the content of the extreme right-wing party NPD. Several social assistance recipients reported then publicly, that they had been harassed by the head of social Affairs and their subordinates.

The municipality responded: The social welfare boss was sent for a couple of weeks in the holiday, it should have been a debate. After that, you could put your work in the same Position. The municipality has created for the population of an Ombudsman: 61 cases were treated in the first year, 44 were for the Department of social services – which is almost every week a case. Nevertheless, the former social chief Kurt Spillmann (SVP) in the balance sheet after one year, succinctly: “It was much ADO about nothing.”

in the Meantime, it has become quiet around the Department of social services Dübendorf. However, local politicians and Affected how Walker criticize that the Situation had not improved. “The line on the social services has remained the same,” says André Csillaghy, group President of SP Dübendorf. A Problem is the unhealthy concentration of Power in dübendorf. Town and parish councils, as well as the social Board are all occupied by SVP-politicians. Csillaghy: “In the social sphere, the processes for External are not accessible.”

The Department of social services refused for many years, the internal guidelines in dealing with social assistance recipients to disclose, not even the city Council had insight. Shortly before publication of this article, the municipality, the competence Handbook of social authority to disclose – however, only members of the city Council.

A clue about the work of the social welfare office could provide the Ombudsman’s office. However, a TA request is in the Empty. The Ombudsman refers to the municipal clerk, Martin Kunz (SVP), because he himself could give no information. This despite the fact that an Ombudsman should be independent work. According to Kunz still no updated case would currently pay, it would be “significantly less”.

office That there are still violations of the dübendorf social, the request from the district Council type: Each year there are several recourses of social assistance recipients from Dübendorf, were at least approved in part. Including those of Sandra Walker.

cuts to help

In her apartment In Dübendorf, the mood is tense. “I’m on the verge of collapse,” says the mother of two. “Financially, physically, and mentally.” Her three-year old Boy jumps happily through the narrow apartment – he seems to be relatively unencumbered. Her 17-year-old son is sick and is holed up in the room, he just completed an integration programme. The door bell rings, Walker winces: “the Postman with the next mail.” The concern was for nothing. It is a colleague who takes care of your health.

To this it is not ordered well. In recent months, the former cancer patient has lost a lot of weight, she currently weighs just over 40 kilograms. To do this, regular fainting spells. You no longer dares to go out of the house. Two weeks ago, she underwent a long-term ECG with suspected heart failure. The results are not yet available.

your doctor will be confirmed on request of the health problems. He has written Walker for over a year sick. Appointments can perceive the Walker according to his own statement, only limited, which is why you missed some of them and required documents are not always on time delivering. The Department of social services showed little understanding and provided her with the receipt: a temporary reduction in the basic needs. Was the document signed by the controversial social assistance boss. Walker’s debts amount to about 100000 Swiss francs.

The social welfare chief asks Walker in a Letter to seek a work – in spite of the documented inability to work.

“prisoner”, Dübendorfs

Others refrain from frustration voluntarily to the aid of the social welfare office in dübendorf. The TA, several people are equally well known, had terminated their social assistance in dübendorf. The unemployed father of a family Alkim Bayrak (Name changed) decided in October 2017 to take this step, he waives on a monthly basis, around 1000 CHF support of money. “I could not endure to these authorities and terror.” When he was asked to support money for the education of his son as a social debt in the invoice, was for him the Mass. “We would have had to pay for the Apprenticeship of my son, out of his own pocket.”

Bayraks son had previously obtained thanks to the professional teaching network Zurich (BVZ), an apprenticeship place. The DPC shall request that the support funds, operating from the teaching, and the municipalities would be paid – Dübendorf apparently had a different view, and today is silent on the incident.

Bayrak survives today only thanks to the support of Relatives and Acquaintances. He is unemployed, deeply in debt and is operated by the municipality of dübendorf. They would prefer to move to a different municipality. Due to its entries in the registry, he was on the housing market dead in the water, says Bayrak. “I am a prisoner of the municipality of the village of düben.”

Just get out of the social assistance also Sandra Walker would like to. By the end of 2017 they had filed an application for disability insurance, it is pending. “Instead of me helping I’m going to be harassed for more than two years on the Worst,” says Walker. The term “Social” could be removed in the office in dübendorf from the name.


Created: 08.02.2019, 06:44 PM