has announced Since the Federal government its road map for the promotion of electric mobility, seems to be a kind of unholy Alliance of mobility opponents and climate change deniers on the users of electric cars and E-Bikes be put in the oven.

In the Subtext of your criticism, you preach the E-pilot, you should stop to consider themselves the only true Green and, therefore, superior. Because you were at the most a light, but not dark green. However, how many E-driver can actually give, what is to you here? At least the majority of E-bikers run the Ökoargument at the earliest, in the third place. First of all, the unbeatable efficiency of the E-Bike from A to B. In the second place, the increase in the health and movement ability. And then it comes to the General environmental Well-being.

Selfish? . However, as it is with the selfishness of SUV-Driving, the taxes alone on a daily basis by our interior cities? And how egogeleitet mobility opponents, who can afford are you Living at home or in your neighborhood to generate, and therefore do not need to commute?

electric cars are getting better and better

A second reproach to the address of the E-operator, by your transition or entry into the E-would increase life the volume of traffic. May be. The initiation, however, comes at a time when the mobility rate rises for reasons other annual one – to two-digit percentage figures: The human person is always more, always more on the way. Alone the E drivers are to blame for it? Certainly not!

Dishonest of note, E-Bikes are unökologischer than the train. Each child can figure out that it’s much more environmentally friendly, if 100 or even 1,000 people to move a vehicle forward, as if this one does alone with a single vehicle. This finding is neither new nor surprising. And if you want to lift it, then you should point out in good faith, that the E-Bike is in the Ranking of 13 transport equipment on place: Far ahead of the petrol cars or motorcycles and even the electric cars. That the Latter will only be prescribed in the midfield, suggests that their environmental performance will improve in the coming years, probably many times over. A look in a magazine or in an E-Bike Store is sufficient to see that the batteries of the power-operated vehicles can be quarter-to-quarter pace, more powerful, and that the Ökobelastung in the manufacture is reduced. In a few years electric cars will make up for probably courses.

From gasoline to electricity

switched to the under-position in the environmental report of the Federal government, particularly public TRANSPORT and cyclists, the change to E – Bikes, instead of how the real dirt in hopes verschleu of those. Also, you should not blame the E-riders, but rather the promotional campaign of the Federal government: This should actually explicit the not-so-Green instead of the light green: first of all: away from the gasoline. Secondly, the public TRANSPORT, the Bicycle or E-Bike (outside the Agglo to electric cars) and to their combination.

Many E-friends have several things in common: they combine the vehicles of the three ecological categories. You have recently switched from petrol to electricity and muscle power. E-Bikes and electric cars are not the Problem but part of the solution.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 07:29 PM