Egyptian President al-Sisi has banned the sale of yellow high-visibility vests – for fear of protests like in France. Before the anniversary of the Tahrir Revolution, he intensified the repression.

The statement comes, apparently, from the very top: owners are not allowed to give yellow safety vests only state-certified companies, the unregulated sale to private persons is prohibited until further notice. And that was not enough, traders also need to carry each ad, buy yellow safety vests without a license, or is distributed to the people.

In France, a Symbol of the Protesbewegung: Yellow West.

To outsiders like the yellow West-verdict to be a political laughingstock. But after five years under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on human rights is the Laughter of learning passed here long ago. “Sisi is no free space, not the Slightest,” says Aida Seif al Dawla. “He’s trying to have everything under control, even the smallest signs of Protest to be immediately combated. He is also preventive. People are already being arrested in advance, before anything could happen.”