Eight out of ten warehouse workers feel systematically monitored by the management of the structure and exposed to a too high workload on Coops warehouse in Hasselager-Aarhus. The pistons are anxious in a stressful atmosphere with persecution, and warnings, which is loose.
The writing Magazine 3F.
But now, the employees have had enough. They sent on Monday a plea in the form of a letter to the Coops board of directors with a questionnaire – 270 of the staff at the warehouse have answered it:
84 percent of employees feel monitored by the daily management. 84 percent feel a too high work pressure. And 74 percent feel stressed at ferskvarelageret, who distribute the goods to among other things a Referendum, Irma, Kvickly and Fakta.
the Findings are part of a large study of lagerarbejdernes working environment at the national level, which fagforbundet 3F is in progress. The federation has about 400 members among the employees in Hasselager.
In the letter, pointing the staff among other things:
‘…the systematic monitoring, an excessive number of warnings (often given on the basis of what looks like trifles), and a greater and greater fear of losing his job, has unfortunately become a daily reality for us. We are experiencing a constantly increasing pressure of work. Is Coops vision and plan, that we every day need to go unsafe at work, feel a personal persecution from the leaders and go in such a stressful atmosphere like we do?’
Magazine 3F have spoken with current and former employees at the warehouse. Among other things Thorbjørn Vejrup, who was at the warehouse until the end of may, when he was dismissed for sickness absence.
People are afraid to get too much sick leave, so many opt to pay themselves. I have even been asked three times by sickness: you Will have it as time off or time off without pay?, he tells.
He says that leaders punish people and exhibits them, who find it difficult to follow.
– If the employees are below a set goal, they get a warning and being put under surveillance, under the threat of firing. Those who have opened their mouth up have either been given a fyreseddel or warning. It is shut up, pace and direction, says Thorbjørn Vejrup.
One current employee says that managers do not tolerate the slightest criticism.
– A laugh or a wrong facial expression is enough to being given warnings. ‘Are you unhappy, you can fizzle of,’ reads the message, telling the employee, who is anonymous because he fears for his future at the warehouse.
team leaders mandsopdækker the employees, tells Coop-worker, Ole, who is one of the anonymous handlers, which now caters directly to the Coops board of directors:
– People feel threatened and pressed. Even when you go to a toilet, it often happens that the team leaders go into the toiletgangen and whistles outside of the stalls to show that they keep an eye on us, and that we need to rubbe the nails. Otherwise, it falls alerts.
Laust Høgedahl, arbejdsmarkedsforsker and associate professor at Aalborg University, calls it unusual that such a large group turning in a single action to senior management.
– It is alarming that so many employees to feel secure and feel that there is a poor working environment with threats in the air. It looks we are usually not on the Danish labour market, which is largely characterised by a sense of cooperation between management and employees, says Laust Høgedahl.
Laust Høgedahl points out, that there rests a special responsibility on Coops shoulders, because the company has emerged out of andelstankegangen with the ownership of the company.
– If the Coops management style internally is far from the values that describes the action in the Coops CSR-policy, the blades, the hollow, he says.
Employees refers in the letter just to the Coops CSR-policy on social responsibility, which among other things says:.
‘Coop respects the employees’ rights and have a responsibility to create working conditions with consideration for the working environment as a whole and for the individual employee’s safety, health, development and well-being’.
Chairman of the 3F Aarhus, Transport, Logistics and Build, Thorkil Jansen, says that the mail content matches the inquiries by the department in recent years has been from hard-pressed members.
– the Problems are stepped up and the working environment has become worse and worse. It is preposterous, what the employees will be exposed. They go in a constant atmosphere of fear, where the warnings are loose, says Thorkil Jansen.
Employees write in the letter that they expect the board to quickly respond to the alarming working environment, the monitoring and stressproblemerne in the warehouse at Aarhus.
Magazine 3F has presented Coop with the criticism and asked for an interview with managing director Peter Høgsted, but without success.
– the Coop do not discuss internal working conditions in the media, says communications manager Lars Aarup.