Showbiz The British newspaper Daily Star to stop showing topless women on page three. This is the latest British tabloid abandoned its soft-pornofunctie, for many years an important part of the gutter in the country.

The newspaper confirmed today that women are still in the newspaper are shown, but not with bare-chested. Rachel Rats, director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, found that it was time. “It is surprising that a national newspaper for so long the space has been given for this dated content”, said Rats.

The tabloid Sun was in the seventies, the first British title blootfoto of women that are published on the third page of the newspaper. November 7, 1970 was a historic day in the British persgeschiedenis. On that day showed on page three of The Sun (circulation 1.2 million copies) Stephanie Rahn in her breasts to the readers. The British media landscape would never be the same and page three.


It was the Australian Rupert Murdoch, who found that his newspaper The Sun, however, what in particular should be. According to him, were the English absolutely love breasts. It worked, because within a year, the circulation of The Sun is 2.5 million copies. Other tabloids such as The Daily Mirror and Daily Star could not do otherwise than follow.

The page three girl became a household name. Some girls, such as Samantha Fox and Jerry Hall, became world famous after she topless in the tabloids had been. In the nineties came the first discussions about the ladies with their lively colours. Nevertheless, it stopped The Sun only in 2014, with the showing page 3 women. The editors-in-chief succumbed under a petition with more than 200,000 signatures. One of the latest celebrities in page 3, it was Kim Kardashian. She was depicted with covered nipples.

Five years later stops Daily Star, so with an outdated phenomenon. Overtaken by time.