It is first and foremost a problem for Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Klaus Riskær Pedersen has collected the vælgererklæringer, which is necessary in order that he may be set up for the general election.

It assesses the political commentator Hans Engell. He predicts that Klaus Riskær Pedersen mainly caters to the blue voters and, therefore, will steal votes from the Liberal Alliance, the liberals and The Conservatives.

And it will be a problem for the incumbent prime minister, if Klaus Riskær Pedersen not being elected.

– In that case, the votes for him will be the blue stemmespild. In addition it must be added that there will also be stemmespild from the christian democrats – and if it goes completely wrong, the New Civic also not in favour, says Hans Engell.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen has on barely four months collected the 20.109 vælgererklæringer, as required, if you want to on the ballot.

the comparison used the New Civil year and the Alternative in one and a half years to achieve the same.

But even if Klaus Riskær Pedersen has gathered signatures in record time, assess Engell, there is a long way to a seat in the Danish Parliament.

– For the voters is it a free place to sit at home at your computer and make a vælgererklæring. It is something else, when people have to the polls and cast their vote.

however, It is seen that the parties have stormed into the Parliament.

By Jordskredsvalget in 1973, the newly formed parties, the progress party and the Centre-Democrats, respectively, Mogens Citizens and Erhard Jacobsen in the front part of the Parliament.

the progress party got 28 mandates, while the Center-the Democrats got 14.

But both Citizens and he was completely different profiles, ” says Hans Engell.

– They had some political projects with a completely different format than Riskærs. He has not the same profile. The other was some very popular types, and you can’t say that Riskær. He is very elitist, ” he says.

the Danish policy – 15. feb. 2019 – at. 09:32 Qvortrup: party funding-scam is a big problem for Riskær