Edmund Burke skeptic, Rationalist, Conservative. He wrote Essays and pamphlets. “If bad people ally themselves,” in a font of Irish-British philosopher of the 18th century. Century, “must unite the good people. Otherwise, they will fall, one after the other.“

More than 45,000 people have been rescued since 2015 in the Mediterranean sea. That you are not drowned miserably, due to the EU Mission “Sophia”. The naval deployment was decided, in order to combat traffickers and gangs off the Libyan coast, traffickers. One of them, to keep those Desperate from certain death, their boats capsized or manoeuvring had become incapable.

Now, the European Union, the last two “Sophia”-ships. What that means is clear. For thousands of the Mediterranean sea is back to the mass grave. The “mare nostrum”, which connects Europe with Africa and Asia, symbolises the separation of the people, the indifference to the Needy. It is a shame. One is ashamed to be European. The talk of values, which need to defend in the EU is, allegedly, turns out to be as hollow and hypocritical.

set the right-wing populists in Italy, Hungary and Poland. The government in Rome had requested a Change in the rules of engagement, which provide the rescued people are brought exclusively to Italy. A Change in the redistribution mechanism in Hungary and Poland, disagreed, however. Because they could not agree, prolonged the Operation, “Sophia”, whose mandate expires this coming Sunday, now six months, but the use of vessels will be suspended “temporarily”, as it is called in EU circles. The criminal activities of Traffickers are in future to be observed only from the air.

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Appeals and arguments clashed from

The Federal government is sending since February, no ship for the Mission. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, had accused the Italian use of line to have the “Sophia”-ships, far away from the refugee routes stationed. In vain also the EU representative, Federica Mogherini, the EU called on States to allow a continuation of the original “Sophia”-Mission. Anyway, the number of illegally arriving in Europe migrants had decreased in the course of the use of more than eighty percent. This includes the training of Libyan coast I guard added. However, all of these Appeals and arguments clashed with the mercilessness of the European right-wing populists.

In the autumn of the legendary refugee year 2015, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “If we start now, to have to us to apologize that we show in emergency situations, a friendly face, then this is not my country.” Ums, it’s no longer Excuse for a long time. It goes alone to the rescue of Drowning, the most immediate imperative of humanity.

If this commandment is not to follow in the framework of the EU, needs to be blown up by the frame. Why does not a “coalition of the willing”? The Mediterranean sea belongs to no one alone. At least the attempt could Germany, to create together with States such as France, Spain and Greece, Scandinavian countries and Benelux countries a sea-based type of rapid reaction Force. The principle of burden-sharing would thus not obsolete, but it is in the issue of the refugees anyway. Should people drown, because your salvation is fixed to a consensus, but compromise inept EU fails?

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European Union EU ends naval deployment off the coast of Libya

In two months the elections to the European Parliament. Who still does not know to whom he gives his voice, ask yourself, what is the value to him of the Supreme. Then, the decision is perhaps quite easily.