The EU is not well. The consequences of the financial crisis are still being felt, the monetary Union remains fragile, and the migration question unresolved. Populists rail against Brussels, while at the same time benefit from the EU. In Eastern and South – Eastern Europe, the European Canon of values, and the Brexit loses a wound festers still. And now is chosen! Next week 450 million Europeans determine their own Parliament.
In the 28 EU member States, candidates, politicians of many parties, left, center, right. Decisive is only a question for Europe or against Europe, however? Currently, it looks as if the Pro-Europeans could defend its majority, the opponents of the EU are likely to increase. Therefore, the risk is that Europe weakens this choice is made.
the EU needs to kick in urgent need of a Vitamin. The biggest challenge the new China of Xi Jinping is. For the first time succeeded in a Communist Regime, to increase the prosperity of the massif. In the process, Beijing is not only an economic competitor, but is increasingly a social: The China of the 21st century. Century is a successful dictatorship, whose power is based hold on the total digital Surveillance, and is recommended as an Alternative to the Western democracies. Economic promise, with which China individual EU member States and also Switzerland, as we have seen, lures, Europe can counter only if it appears closed.
On the world stage in Switzerland on a Partner with similar values to depend on. This can only be Europe.
as for Russia, it is about the security. As long as Vladimir Putin is to succeed, the Europeans, of dividing, he can expand Russia’s influence to the West. And finally, the Police of the TRANS-Atlantic return lost insurance to value. Even if Donald Trump will not be re-elected, the wheel would not turn back.
More than ever, put on yourself, Europe needs to find inner strength. If, therefore, now but Europe-turbo call for more Integration, they achieve the opposite: they accelerate the cleavage of the EU. This is not the result of nationalist populism, but the consequence of the democratic deficit in the EU. Since the Maastricht Treaty (1993) has led to the independence of the Executive power in Brussels. This development, represented by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that his term of office expires, has Anti-European Union forces, such as Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban, or Jaroslaw Kaczynski buoyancy. You are mocking the EU, and ignore their contributions to peace and prosperity.
Negligence would therefore be to transfer the EU’s more comprehensive competences. Who to call for the hunt “of an ahistorical utopia,” writes the renowned German historian Heinrich August Winkler. This would be promoted against the will of nationalism. He proposes that the national parliaments take over more of Europe, political responsibility, European issues, to debate and to agreed deadlines-are: “If European issues are treated intensively and as the core themes of the national policy terms, the acceptance of the EU.”
Populist forces in the country hope, thanks to the weakness of the EU in a better frame agreement with Brussels to get.
The liberal European nation-state is the safest haven for democracy, the rule of law and human rights, illiberal democracies, such as Hungary and part of Poland are exceptions. The vast majority of EU citizens see themselves as Europeans, but identify with their historic Nation, and not just at football games.
What does this mean for Switzerland? Populist forces in the country hope, thanks to the weakness of the EU in a better frame agreement with Brussels to get. You are likely to be misled by Such pressure on the EU is hardly conciliatory, in terms of Brexit, member States were rarely unanimous. In addition, it remains the case that Switzerland is far more dependent on a market of 500 million people than the EU, with an 8.5 million.
After the European elections, the EU Commission and its President are determined new.
Switzerland, but should be located not only for economic reasons, to a strong EU. Regardless of the enthusiasm by Federal President Ueli Maurer for China’s new silk road, it is Switzerland, well, if you are working in Beijing or Moscow, for human rights. Of dictators and autocrats, they will be taken more seriously, with a strong Europe in the back, the entry for the same values.
After the European elections, the EU Commission and its President are determined new. If the future of the Executive does not waive any supposedly Pro-European utopias, if you are the nation-States regarded as an anachronism, and if you acted modestly and realistically, the EU offers a new opportunity. And, thus, also of Switzerland. Because on the world stage, it is dependent on a reliable Partner with similar values. This can only be Europe.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 17.05.2019, 21:24 PM