Should the UK get a Brexit-extension? In addition, the European Council this Wednesday. It seems that a majority of the members of the EU wanted to prevent a No-Deal-Brexit on Friday. From an economic point of view, and with a view on the UK’s internal politics – this is absolutely useful.

A serious Argument against it: With an extended Deadline, the UK would have to participate in the elections to the European Parliament. This would strand a large number of radicalised and politically unpredictable Brexiteers in the European Parliament. There they would join a growing Block of nationalist and populist parties.

What could that mean, made by the British Radical Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg recently: “We will be as difficult as possible.” The obstruction is for many of the populist parties are only a means to an end. The European Anti-Europeans are actually no more. You do not want to destroy the EU, but for your purposes, for the time being.

At first glance, nationalism and the EU may be contradictions, but the ideological fronts are not as clear. French legal interpreter, Marine Le Pen described the EU as a “totalitarian System”; the Hungarian President Viktor Orban celebrates the concept of national sovereignty.

But a Europe of Nations, United against the perceived Intrusion of foreign cultures, that is quite an idea behind many of these parties gather together. As on Monday, the Italian Northern League chief Matteo Salvini, with Jörg Meuthen of the AfD, as well as Finnish and Danish right-wing the formation of a common group in the European Parliament, most announced, said Salvini, “identity and Tradition” reduced differences of opinion. Also, the Reflex against social and political liberalism, for the EU from your point of view that unites these parties. For Salvini, Meuthen, the Finn Olli Kontro and the Dane Anders Vistisen is the counter-image of “a Union of common sense”.

A “dark variation” of Europe

The Euro-sceptics have developed their own picture of Europe, in which cooperation makes sense. You want to make use of the institutions. Alexander Clarkson, of European studies at King’teaches College, writes: you can aspire to a “dark version” of Europe. Because the Union benefits them. On the aid from the structural funds, you can’t do without.

Video 10.04.2019, 20:30 Uhr01:07 Min.France has reservations about long-Brexit-shift

Also, for the populist notions of migration policy could the EU be quite useful Although the European Parliament has little decision-making power. However, it can exert political pressure against open borders in the EU, for military secure external borders, Not on the budget.

one and a Half months before the election, it looks as populist and nationalist parties could win a third or more of the seats. So you could block many of the decisions and resolutions require the absolute majority, or hinder, especially when the other parties and blocs to find a common line.

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Long shift possible The Brits might not need the end of the year in the EU

Albrecht Meier

The Brexiteers you probably did. But the times in the European Parliament are likely to be restless enough – since it doesn’t need the British, who carry their unresolved national conflicts in the house.