Many danes have experienced to sit in one of the passenger seats in a car, even though they were in doubt as to whether the driver had had too much to drink.

From now until the end of July puts the Council for Safe Traffic, TrygFonden and 64 municipalities focus on the drunk drivers on the road with a nationwide campaign ‘There are many ways to stop drink driving at. What is your?’ against drink driving.

the Topic is more relevant right now, as there is more spritulykker with the injury in June and July than f.ex. in november and december, according to figures from the Danish road directorate.

In connection with the spritkampagnen is 4519 people have been asked whether they have run with as a passenger, where they had a suspicion that the driver had been drinking more than allowed.

The typing of the Council for Safe Traffic, in a press release.

In the study to match each 10. ‘yes’ to the question. Looking at age groups, it turns out that there is a particular challenge among the young people. 23 percent of the 17-24-year-olds and 25 percent of the 25-35-year-old has been running with in spite of suspecting that the driver had drunk too much.

– drink driving is very risky and can have fatal consequences, if one comes out for an accident. So if you are in doubt, whether the driver is sober, you should not run with. Instead one should persuade the driver to move forward in a different way. If the driver gets stopped by the police, a judgment, moreover, have serious consequences. It can be use as an argument to leave the car, says Michelle Laviolette, seniorprojektleder in the Council for Safe Traffic.

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the Council for Safe Traffic stresses that the most effective way to prevent potential spritulykker and drink driving is that, in advance planning how to get home safely after dinner, the party or strandturen, if you will, to drink alcohol.

In december, to the many christmas parties, the danes are generally good to leave the car at home, since everyone knows that there is guaranteed to be drinking alcohol.

It pinches more in the summer, where there are many informal and impulsive gatherings, where you take the car out to the beach, the cottage or visiting friends, that invites you to a barbecue on the terrace. Might expect you not to drink so much, but an object soon becomes more, and you can lose track of how much you have scored. Therefore, it is important to agree in advance who do not drink alcohol and drive home.

– If, before the dinner or party, designate a driver, who was employed to run the home, so reducing the risk of being run drink driving. At the same time you can help the person, if one serves, for example non-alcoholic beer, or other drinks without alcohol in the course of the evening, so it is still in coziness, but do not become influenced by alcohol, says René Højer, head of TrygFonden, in the press release.

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