Ex-Health Minister Jens Spahn and his husband have separated from their shared villa in Berlin’s Dahlem district. “Yes, we sold the house,” said the 42-year-old, according to a report by “t-online”.

At the same time, the deputy chairman of the Union faction in the Bundestag acknowledged errors in terms of the timing and handling of the property acquisition: “The purchase back then was the wrong time, in the middle of the pandemic.” The hoped-for retreat had become a trouble spot, “also through own mistakes in dealing with it”.

To this day, demonstrators and onlookers are standing in front of the house: “Anonymous mail comes regularly, just recently a package with faeces,” said the CDU politician. He added: “Our happiness doesn’t depend on a house. That’s why we decided on a clean cut.”

Spahn’s real estate had been publicly discussed during the corona pandemic. “t-online” reports, citing available documents, that sales proceeds of 5.3 million euros are offset by acquisition and renovation costs of 5.5 million euros. According to information from the German Press Agency, in addition to the purchase price, there are costs for the notary, the land register entry, the real estate transfer tax as well as for brokers and renovation. Spahn and his husband planned to move out of the villa for the middle of the year.

At the beginning, Spahn took legal action against parts of the reporting in which, among other things, the purchase price and details of the real estate business were published. However, he was defeated and had to accept the publication of the purchase price.

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