The American Ex-President has looked in Cologne to his office, and by the way strongly to his successor. Today, Obama Chancellor Merkel meets in Berlin.
Smartphones light Laptops have to be unpacked. Many in the huge auditorium of the Lanxess-Arena in Cologne came in a Blazer or suit. Young executives sitting in the audience, to witness Barack Obama live. And there are many Obama Fans came between paid 80 Euro and 5000 Euro per Ticket, to be in the vicinity of the Ex-President.
Melanie Meyer-George is a lawyer and has won a prize of a 5000 Euro competition Tickets. For this, she already has a Three-course menu and a photo with Barack can Obama make. The picture get it, but only after approval by the Ex-President sent to you. 30 seconds and a pressure of the hand, no longer the personal contact not have lasted. “I would have liked to have watched the great man in the eyes, but the photographer said that we need to look into the camera,” she says, laughing.
trump’s name, he mentions not
With a Standing ovation celebrated Obama as a celebrity, as he enters the stage. The motivation coach Cristián Gálvez, he is asked, what can learn from young leaders from him. This is also the task of the Obama’s Foundation, the goal of a new leadership elite training.
The Ex-President talks about responsibility and the right goals. “It is important to know what you want to do and not who you want to be.” Otherwise, one is chosen and suddenly the visions were lacking.
In such pithy sentences, each in the hall, whom he criticizes by the way, understands.