on Wednesday, the at the again.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will meet on Wednesday evening for a private dinner, where among other things, they must talk about North korea’s denuclearisation, like the UNITED states has indicated that it can trigger a financial gain, if north Korea abandons its nuclear weapons.

As the two heads of state met in June 2018, was the signed agreement between the two sides called historic, and Donald Trump celebrated it as a big victory for world peace.

But since then nothing has happened, believes the former personnel manager of the company in both the UNITED states department of defense and the CIA, Jeremy Bash.

he tells This in an interview in the television program ‘Deadline, the White House’ on the u.s. NBC News.

– Let us look at the facts. After the summit in Singapore was north Korea around 20 nuclear weapons. How many have been corrupted since the day? Zero. So the president is 0 out of 20. Now he takes to a new summit, and you would think that the bar will now be raised, and we should be even harder against Kim Jong-un.

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Kim Jong-uns bodyguards run as always by the side of the car, where North korea’s leader sits. Photo: AFP

the World is A man’s dream smashed an entire nation: 200.000 bombs thrown down in the head of 200,000 people.

the World dictator’s luxury living: Ate Danish meat, drank svinedyr booze and shot his festgæster for fun

– it is Therefore very worrying to hear that the experts and the people in The White House says that Donald Trump will crawl deeper into the cave. He’s going to be eager to make Kim Jong-un happy and more interested in a ‘bromance’, and then get the UNITED states a far worse deal, says Jeremy Bash in the tv program.

when Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un wrote the ‘historic agreement’ in June 2018, the experts were skeptical.

Then rated professor in international politics at Department of Political science at the University of Copenhagen Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, the hand pressure was firm, but the paper was limp.

– It is absolutely the great diplomatic theater that is going on here. There is one thing that Trump and Kim Jong-un have in common, is that they are top professional actors on the international scene. Regardless of what comes out of the meeting, you should be aware of to distinguish between big gestures and real content. If we are really lucky the meeting can at best be the first step in a protracted diplomatic negotiation, said Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen to Ritzau.

The claim was backed up by researcher and Ph. D at the Danish Institute for International Studies Andreas Bend Forsby.

– There is not very much on the piece of paper. It is some vague and forblommede terms, and actually, it looks like an agreement from 1993. It is not the big variations in relation to it. One angle is that we are still far from the total settlement of the Dprk’s nuclear programme, but you can also say, that there now is put a process in motion, which, after all, is the better one of the many threats, he said at the time.

the Declaration between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.

Here are the other four points, as the just-signed document containing

1) the UNITED states and north Korea do commit to a new u.s.-north Korean relationship in accordance with the will of the people to peace and wealth in the two countries.

2) the UNITED states and north Korea will stand together to build a lasting and stable peace on The Korean Peninsula.

3) the Parties confirm ‘Panmunjom Declaration’ from 27. april 2018, where north Korea do commit to a complete afatomisering of The Korean Peninsula.

4) the UNITED states and north Korea commit themselves to find the remains of prisoners of war (POW) and those missing in service (eur BILLION), including to repatriate them, as already identified.

in Addition, write the following in the agreement:

– President Donald Trump commit to security guarantees for north Korea. That is not what the guarantees involves

– North korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, reaffirming its ‘firm and unwavering’ commitment to complete the afrustningen of nuclear weapons from The Korean Peninsula.

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Trump bring to the dinner secretary Mike Pompeo and chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Kim Jong-un will also have two counselors for the dinner, and both the head of state will have an interpreter, writes the Associated Press.

Thursday will Trump and Kim hold a series of official meetings, among other things, will act on North korea’s denuclearisation. The UNITED states has indicated that it can trigger a financial gain, if north Korea abandons its nuclear weapons.

‘With a complete denuclearisation will north Korea quickly becoming an economic powerhouse. Without it will just be more of the same. President Kim will make a wise decision’, writes Trump on twitter.

Trump, who is expected to land in Hanoi on Tuesday evening, left on Monday the UNITED states on board Air Force One.

– I think we get an excellent summit, it sounded from the Trump before departure.

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World Big military parade in north Korea: But where were the atomic bombs?

While Trump comes flying to the summit, Kim Jong-un made the trip in an armoured train, which has travelled the 4000 kilometres through China in under three hours.

Kim arrived on the night of Tuesday to the vietnamese border town of Dong Dang, where he was welcomed by schoolchildren with the north Korean flag.

Security has been stepped up significantly, and heavily armed vietnamese soldiers and police are present. The final stretch of 170 km from the border to Hanoi, the north Korean leader, driving off in his black Mercedes.

Prior to the summit, both leaders hold a meeting with Vietnam’s president, Nguyen Phu Trong.