A first high-level dialogue with the Executive Board of the real estate group, Deutsche Wohnen, the governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) sees it as “a constructive start for further negotiations”. The Meeting would continue at the working level. It will stay with the willingness of the Senate to apply to the residential portfolio of Deutsche Wohnen. Both sides are interested, “continue the dialogue and to get results”. It will also spoken with other actors in the private housing sector.

According to the heads of government, given the housing problems in the city “every business, every Association has a duty”. Also, the petition of the “Deutsche Wohnen & co.” had to disown an expression of legitimate Concerns – “no matter how one stands to the Initiative.” Müller rejects you.

Whether the SPD land party Congress on Saturday supported the referendum, or reject, the SPD chief. “We need to see how we handle it.” He warned of “snap shots”. The SPD should stand for a serious urban policy. “At least a party of government in Berlin must be for the balance of interests in society.”

annual balance sheet of the Deutsche Wohnen: Rent increase, shareholders benefit

Deutsche Wohnen reported in their annual balance sheet for 2018, which was released on Tuesday, a pre-tax profit of € 1.86 billion. The good group result goes back to rising Rents: 3.4% in the group, the Plus in Berlin was 3.6 percent higher than the average. The “operating profit” increased year on year by eleven percent to nearly 480 million euros. The shareholders should benefit: The Management would like to increase the dividend to 87 cents per share, to 80 cents in the previous year.

thanks to your 116.000 apartments in the Berlin Region, the company is benefiting from the Boom in the housing market. According to the group, the rise in rents amounted to “in the reporting year, a 3.4 percent”. The stock had rents increased 1.4 percent, “moderate”. The critics of the company, and to achieve through aggressive rent increases your profit goals.

by the end of 2018, the average in-place rent amounted to 6,62 euros per square meter, in Berlin, there were even 6,71 Euro. This is more than the local Berliner and Average rents according to the Rent index (€6.39). And significantly more than the average of all the members of Berlin’s largest housing Association of the BBU (5,98 Euro).

Many of the objects of Deutsche Wohnen are located in bad locations

The 2018 reported rent increase of 3.6 percent is, however, below the Plus in the Berlin Rent index from the year 2017: the increase amounted to 4.7 per cent. And according to the latest housing market report from the country’s own development Bank, the Rent-free homes increased in the year 2018 to 5.4 percent.

However, these benchmarks are only meaningful to a limited extent, because the Deutsche Wohnen has tens of thousands of apartments in bad locations, as well as numerous state-subsidized objects, their social rents are regulated. The existence of the group was not representative for the Berlin apartment.

Deutsche Wohnen wanted to enforce higher Rent than the Rent index allowed

In the criticism the company was too, because she had drawn, according to tenant representatives tenant to court to higher Rents for apartments to be enforced as the lease allows. The Deutsche Wohnen says: “For a few of the apartments had been” used years ago in comparison with flats in place of the rental levels, in order to establish a “demand for Rent increase”. In two cases, the company was dragged before the Berlin constitutional court, because the Rent index could be interpreted in individual cases, contradictory. The processes were lost. “We’re not doing that now,” said spokeswoman Manuela Damianakis. And CEO Michael Zahn said: “We will demand in this year as in the past, our Rent increase to put the Berliner Mietspiegel”.

And the corporations, you build

And build, but the dispute between the speaker of the people’s initiative “Deutsche Wohnen & Co expropriate” Rouzbeh Taheri and economist Michael Voigtländer triggered opposition in the case of the real estate companies Deutsche Wohnen and Vonovia. “We want to build in Berlin in the next few years, more than 9000 new homes. This year, around 500 dwellings. Including price-related apartments for 6.50 euros per square meter per month,“ it said in Vonovia.

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Reinhart Bünger

Deutsche Wohnen’s boss Michael Zahn objected to the accusation that you verschleppe rehabilitation measures: “416 million euros for the renovation, we have put alone in the year 2018 in our homes.” But the modernization of the stock was inevitable because “the building must make a major contribution to climate protection”. The costs would not be passed on to tenants: “When our major modernisation measures Deutsche Wohnen bears, on average, up to three-quarters of the cost”.