Employees at Thailand’s response to the Fda could hardly believe their eyes when they Tuesday 27. January came to visit on a fødevarefabrik in the northeastern province of Nong Khai.

Here came across you on a bunch of employees who used the mouth to afbene hønsefødder rather than a pair of pliers, writes among other thai Khaosod and the Daily Mail.

As the man examined the unsanitary treatment in detail, it appeared that the employees have been banned from using a pair of pliers to afbening, since, according to the factory owner goes ‘five times faster’ when using the mouth.

Kyllingefødder is a popular eat in southeast Asia, and governor of Nong Khai province Ronnachai Jitwiset fear now is that the uappetitlige afbeningsmetode is widely used. Therefore, he has now launched an investigation of the other plants in the area.

– You can have countless bacteria in the mouth, or they can spread from the mouth to the kyllingefødderne, and we can’t risk to employees or customers becoming ill, says the governor, who reports that otherwise there was nothing to criticise during the verification visit.

We looked around at the factory, and it was clean and tidy, but we have ordered them to keep up with using the mouth to process the food with.

According to the factory’s owner, 31-year-old Nongluck Payakphrom, it is not only save time, but also to deliver a quality product to the customers.

– When I first opened my business, we used pliers to afbene hønsefødderne with, but it took five minutes per foot, which is for a long time, and customers did not like the end product, tells fabriksejeren, which, however, is responsive to a modification of the methods on the factory.

– the Factory is closed until the staff can use seaweed to treat your feet just as well as when they use the mouth, saith the Nongluck Payakphrom

Kyllingefødder are mostly boiled and used in noodle soups or fried in oil and served as a snack.