German, have dual citizenship, should in the future lose their German passport, if you have to fight for a terrorist militia IS. What are the details of the bill?
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What exactly is the Federal government?
you want to change Paragraph 28 of the nationality law. So far, more soldiers will lose their German nationality if they commit without official approval by a foreign army or a comparable armed Association of a foreign state whose citizenship they also possess. The reason: those Who do, the turns of the Federal Republic of Germany.
This paragraph should be supplemented with the note that the withdrawal also applies if a German, have two passports, fight overseas for a terrorist militia. About the “Islamic state”. Called the although state, but it is not a real state, with real armed forces and, therefore, there is no legal basis, IS fighters, the German nationality to escape. The new regulation changes the. Minors terror fighters are exempt.
And what is with the Terror-fighters who have only the German passport?
you, the state should not be deprived of citizenship. Because the basic law stipulates that no one shall be made stateless. This is one of the Lessons of the Nazi era, as a series of way were expatriated unwelcome people out. Thus, those who have only the German passport, allowed to retain his nationality, no matter who he has abroad fought, and of what atrocities he might have committed.
As a deprivation of the nationality works in practice?
In the draft law it is, in the concrete circumstances of participation in combat operations for a terrorist militia, the loss of nationality by operation of law, am. At the same time, given that it was difficult to prove that someone has actually fought in a foreign country.
On demand of the Ministry of the interior explains, the Federal government will evaluate information from the safety authorities, as video recordings or witness statements and evidence from any criminal proceedings. Whether the conditions for the pass loss are met, then the authorities in the Federal States if the terrorist is a fighter in Germany. He is still abroad, would be the Federal office of administration is responsible.
Who is affected by the new law?
The Federal government assumes that it will only be a relatively few people. She expects the numbers of cases in the single-digit to low double-digit range. German multi-nationals that have joined in the past few years, the IS and now, perhaps in Syria or in Iraq, in prison and sent to Germany, do not want to would not deprivation to be affected from the Pass, because the law applies retroactively.
When these people fight, however, is more for the IS or other terrorist militia, after the law is in force, then the second nationality may be withdrawn. Some Union politicians would apply the new law of love retrospectively, but both the constitutional lawyer in the justice Ministry, the interior Ministry say quite clearly that That would be unconstitutional. So it is unlikely that in the forthcoming deliberations in the Bundestag, it is still something changes.
withdrawal of dual citizenship for a Terror-fighter.
Sabine Müller, ARD Berlin
03.04.2019 10:59 PM
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