In the current RTL/ntv trend barometer, the SPD continues to achieve 18 percent and is thus behind the Greens (20 percent) and ten percentage points behind the Union (28 percent). The FDP continues to go downhill, which only comes to six percent (minus one percentage point). The AfD, on the other hand, can increase and comes to 14 percent – the highest value since December 2019. The left remains at five percent, the others at nine percent.

In a direct election of the Federal Chancellor between Olaf Scholz, Robert Habeck and Friedrich Merz, Chancellor Scholz is ahead again. 22 percent of those surveyed are in favor of Scholz, 20 percent for Merz (minus two percentage points) and 17 percent for Habeck. 41 percent of those surveyed would choose none.

The 63 percent of respondents who do not trust any political party to solve the problems in Germany set a new record for this year. In this survey, the Greens have twelve percent, the Union and the SPD nine percent, the FDP three percent and the other parties four percent.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from September 27 to 30, 2022. Database: 2,001 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 2.5 percentage points. Database for the question on political competence: 806 respondents.