The Federal Council playing for time and wants to the UN-agreement on a nuclear weapons ban for the time being, to sign and ratify. He would first like to take stock of the recent foreign policy developments. The pressure from the Parliament is expected to decrease.

This was asked in mid-December the Federal Council, the nuclear weapons Treaty ban as soon as possible to sign and to the Parliament for approval. Trigger one of the two councils adopted Motion by Carlo Sommaruga (SP/GE). By the ratification of the nuclear weapons ban Treaty, Switzerland would demonstrate your clear stand in favor of international humanitarian law and the values associated with it, was the Tenor.

In the past weeks has increased the pressure further. The city of Geneva, a global cities appeal in support of the nuclear weapons ban agreement. They brought their “deep concern about the serious threat to the Nations by nuclear weapons”. The city argued, with its humanitarian Tradition, which on the basis of the Geneva conventions take, which this year will celebrate its seventy years of Existence.

Recent developments

take into account, Nevertheless, the Federal Council would like to wait with the ratification of the Treaty. “He has decided to check with the help of external experts, a possible accession of Switzerland deepens”, say it in a message from Wednesday. A new location will be available by the end of 2020.

The government wants to use according to its own information, this time, to assess the recent security and foreign policy developments. This includes, among other things, the withdrawal of the United States and Russia from the Treaty to ban all ground-based and nuclear-equippable rockets with ranges between 500 and 5500 kilometers.

Parliament should continue to make pressure

The postponement of the decision on the ratification of the nuclear weapons ban Treaty is not likely to satisfy many members of Parliament. The Federal Council writes that “he wanted to accelerate, especially on the basis of the decision of the Parliament in its Review of, and earlier than planned, a reassessment of present”. A re-location clause will be made, therefore, not only until the end of 2025. In August 2018, the state government had decided the contract not to sign. The reasons against the accession of Switzerland to outweigh the potential opportunities, it was said at the time. This is not hazardous to the humanitarian Tradition.

foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis, described the Treaty as a symbol of a policy that does not take nuclear disarmament forward. This in-depth in addition, the division of the community of States. In addition, none of the States have nuclear weapons will join the Treaty. Switzerland should pursue as an observer of the development, stressed Cassis.

Switzerland as a “bridge-Builder”

Regardless of your Position in relation to the nuclear weapons ban Treaty, the Switzerland according to the Federal Council it is still in the area of nuclear disarmament remain engaged. “Switzerland shares the goal of a world without nuclear weapons and wants to contribute as a Builder of bridges, in practical steps with all the States to achieve this objective”, said in the message.

From a Swiss perspective it is hard to imagine how a use of nuclear weapons in Accordance with the requirements of international law could be made.

following the end of the ratification

The nuclear weapons ban Treaty was negotiated in 2017 in the UN . Switzerland had agreed to the adoption of the Treaty, their vote, however, supplemented with an explanation of Vote, pointing out many open questions. The agreement creates for the first time, a comprehensive and explicit ban on nuclear weapons. It prohibits the use and threat, as well as the production, acquisition, stationing and deployment of nuclear weapons.

Until July 2017 more than 120 countries had adopted the Treaty, but only slightly more than half of them signed it in the meantime. For the entry into force of fifty States must ratify the agreement, so far, have done their 22.


Created: 03.04.2019, 16:39 PM