Fax instead of Email, printouts instead of electronic files: The path to digitization, the Federal government still seems far away. You consumed 148 million sheets of paper per year.

As of the FDP’s Deputy Roman Müller-Böhm moved in as the youngest MP in the Bundestag, he waited in vain on modern digital communication with the Federal government. Instead, it relies on analog: “everything Here is just about the Fax machine. Each Time a Fax is printed out, also likely to be re-filed and copied. Since I wanted to dig deeper then.”

Finally, the government decreed in the year of 2013, E-Government act, the good old paper file is to be replaced by the electronic acts, the Federal administration across the Board is digitized and networked. By the end of 2022, every citizen should be able to use all administrative services online.

A 190-kilometre high paper tower

On the way there, the Deputy of Müller-Böhm asked officially: How sustainable is the Federal government actually is? He wanted to know exactly how much sheet of paper in the ministries and Federal consume authorities per year. The answer was pretty shocking, says the Deputy: “We have found that the Federal government say, and 148 million sheets of writing consumed paper per year. With the downstream authorities, there are almost 1.2 billion.” Müller-Böhm to expect, and came to the conclusion that 6000 tonnes of paper have been printed.

Stacked in the printer-paper packets neatly on top of each other, resulting in a stack of almost 190 kilometers of height. It tilts him, the stack of paper from Berlin to Leipzig. The government and the Federal authorities are not only far away from the sustainable, paperless office. Müller-Böhm also says that he could not imagine, how soon the E-file should come from. To make exactly of this paper is superfluous.

delivery only on paper, then via e-Mail

The Federal government writes in its answer to the Minor Interpellation of the FDP MPs: “The internal processes of management are to consistently digitized, networked, and media-break-free”. That’s the theory. Practically, the various ministries and subordinate authorities do not even have a common Intranet System, revealed the inquiry. After all, Müller-Böhm: “The Federal government is planning a first Launch of a single Intranetes. I had to chuckle about it a bit. We have made a lot of experiences of how long it really takes, if the Federal government touches anything in the area.”

This also applies – the keyword is sustainability – for answers from the government on Small requests of the Parliament. These were really great digital transfer, said the people’s Deputy of Müller-Böhm, “but It will be sent to the Bundestag in fact, as a paper, and then it is digitized. We get it internally as E-Mail.”

1.2 billion sheet: Of paper consumption by the Federal government
F. archaic man, ARD Berlin
21.01.2019 17:12 PM

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