Where’s the point, body shops, and the old residential row blocks adjacent to each other, the Central compensation office (CCO) to your seat. In the eight-storey building of the Federal administration in the suburbs of Geneva, hundreds of clerks, computer scientists and book provide a holder for AHV and IV pensions are timely paid. Tons of scanned certificates, and retirement statements sent.

Maybe it is the monotonous work that makes you sick. It is clear that In the last two years, the CDC reported absences-the employee significantly longer Sick than other employees of the Federal administration. The data of the Federal internal absences system, which had requested the Sunday paper, having regard to the public law. The Figures show for the first time, in which administrative units are to report to, employees often unable to work – and where, therefore, million costs.

Even longer bedridden than those in the Geneva AHV-Central were last year, the employees of the Federal office for buildings and logistics (BBL). With an average of 12.2 annual days of illness per full-time position, the office that keeps the Federal buildings under the leads, the sick-list of the major administrative units.

Above the average of 7.2 sick days per year, the Federal offices for statistics, computer science, and police were. The employees of the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco) and the Federal offices for environment and health, with an average of 5.8 to 6.5 days of sick absence per full-time position is relatively healthy.

Measured on the sick absences of other sectors of the economy, are the Figures of the public administration: they are a quarter above those of the hospitality industry and by the Federal office for statistics based on the values determined in the credit and insurance industry.

In the analysed working time statistics of 35 for 294 Federal employees ‘254’000 are recorded as sick days. Not included in this total, accidents and Mother are included. Highly-guarded administrative staff 2018 estimated 1154 years, the hospital bed (254’000 divided by 220 working days).

In the case of Finance Minister Maurer, the absences, the highest

are often lacking in the disease-affected management units, coherent justifications for the bad values. “Unfortunately, there is no clear explanation”, according to the pensions compensation office in Geneva. The logistics office BBL explains the many that were sick with “Job profiles in the operational area”. To catching illness more prone to warehouse staff or cleaning staff. “One reason could be the wave of Flu,” said the customs administration, which reported last year, 3000 of additional sick days. But why is the flu lays flat, only the tax collector?

“Who research seriously for the causes, get the right answers,” says Chris Holzach. With his company Synaps Care he takes care of the disease management of companies. Often you can push the Research on structural problems, not infrequently, management problems were the reason for the high Morbidity of the operation. “The deferred savings and work pressure leaves its mark,” says Janine Wicki, General Secretary of the staff Association of the Federal government.

table to enlarge

Even if the reasons for absences are not always placed on the table, is for sure: The days of illness, go to the money. In addition to the expenditure for the continuation of wage payments also cost for example, for present employees, the need to afford due to the sick colleagues, Overtime. For a sick day, the Federal personnel office (EPA) calculated the direct and indirect cost of 1000 Swiss francs. On the whole the administration expected, emerged in the last year, therefore, cost-of-illness of 254 million Swiss francs. The money the Federal government paid from the own cash, because he has no sick pay insurance.

In the Offices, the Federal Council Ueli Maurer, accumulated per capita is the most sick days. Here, the employees were last year during the 344 years, sick and incurred a total cost of 76 million Swiss francs. Among the problem zones of the Minister of Finance, the customs administration, with their 4479 employees in addition to the Geneva AHV-Central. For disease, here last year were spent 36 million francs, 3 million more than in the previous year.

Uncertain tax collector puts it in the bed

In Maurer’s Department of Finance, the job satisfaction is, according to the latest staff survey, the lowest. Particularly bad Are was security officers in what are often the sick, tax collectors and Border: For all the eleven subjects of the survey, the values were below average. It also has to do with the profound reorganization of the customs administration. “Uncertainty and anxiety have a negative effect in the sick day statistics,” says absences-Manager Holzach. to defuse

the Problem with the many failures, offers the EPA a wide range of measures: These include a Case Management and an annual Reporting System, in addition, various health promotion courses. Reduced the number of days of illness could not be characterized. That the Numbers are not increased, evaluates the EPO, however, as a success.

An improvement in the personnel office is hoping that a not-yet-implemented measure. In the future, the costs of illness are to be reported in detail. A measure to raise the saving rate and the trimmed head of the Administration, the cost of awareness.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 13.04.2019, 23:23 PM