
FedEx Plans to Cut 385 Jobs in Belgium

Courier company FedEx has announced its plans to eliminate 385 jobs in Belgium in order to save costs. The company confirmed this decision during a special works council meeting.

The savings will primarily affect the goods airport Brucargo in Zaventem, where FedEx employs around 1,000 people. The operations in Liege are expected to remain unaffected. In a press release, the American company stated that it aims to cut 1,700 to 2,000 jobs across Europe in the back office and commercial teams. “We understand that this is difficult news for our team members, but these steps are crucial to strengthen our company in the future.”

Possible Consequence of the 2016 Acquisition?

The unions are informing the staff about the announcement, according to ACV Puls union representative Kris Vanden Bossche. The Renault procedure, which is applicable in case of major restructuring, is being initiated. The unions are hoping to prevent any forced layoffs.

“We suspect that this is still a consequence of the acquisition of TNT Express in 2016, which did not yield the expected profits,” Vanden Bossche mentioned. “This is already the 5th restructuring round since that acquisition, and we fear it may not be the last. That’s why we want to send a strong signal that enough is enough now. The staff has been living in constant uncertainty for years.”

The uncertainty surrounding job security and the impact on employees’ livelihoods is a significant concern. The affected workers are facing a challenging time ahead as they navigate through this wave of job cuts. It is essential for both the company and the employees to work together to find suitable solutions and support systems during this transition period. The importance of effective communication and transparency in the decision-making process cannot be overstated to ensure a fair and just outcome for all parties involved.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for all stakeholders to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing any issues that may arise. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, FedEx and its employees can navigate through these challenging times and emerge stronger on the other side. The road ahead may be uncertain, but with unity and resilience, both the company and its workforce can overcome this obstacle and move forward towards a brighter future.