Three years after the racist attack in Hanau, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Ferda Ataman, has sharply criticized the way in which people affected by racism are treated in Germany.

“The relatives of Hanau, but also many other people who experience racism, are currently experiencing that discrimination is being played down as “woke” or “identity politics” and dismissed as an irrelevant interest of minorities,” Ataman told the newspapers of the Funke media group ( Saturday).

At the same time, it can be observed that after the events on New Year’s Eve, general suspicion was expressed against people with a migration background. “Germany has a racism problem – this is also evident when federal politicians talk derogatory about Muslim young people as “little pashas”,” said Ataman with a view to controversial statements by the CDU chairman Friedrich Merz in a talk show.

A 43-year-old German shot nine people in Hanau on February 19, 2020 for racist reasons. He then killed his mother and himself.

On the forthcoming third anniversary of the attack, Hesse’s state parliament president Astrid Wallmann (CDU) also emphasized the dangers posed by right-wing extremism for a free and democratic society. “To oppose this ideology decisively and with all means is the task and obligation of all state power – but also of all citizens of our country,” said Wallmann.

The attack in Hanau has kept many people busy to this day – above all the survivors and victims. “The cowardly and cold-blooded act took nine people’s lives suddenly. They all had dreams and plans for a life of peace and freedom. But they were killed because, in the eyes of the assassin, they shouldn’t have a place in our society,” Wallmann said.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the right-wing terrorist attack, the anti-discrimination officer Ataman called for measures against right-wing extremism in Germany to be implemented more consistently. “After the racist assassination attempt in Hanau, there was a cabinet decision against right-wing extremism and racism for the first time. That was a turning point politically. It is all the more disappointing that the federal government has not yet implemented its announcements,” said Ataman.

The controversial term “race” in Article 3 of the Basic Law, for example, “has not yet been changed in a package of measures by the federal government, despite corresponding announcements,” said Ataman.