the WORLD cup in cycling in Bergen last year was a big celebration, but also gave a big economic slap in the face to the promoter, which subsequently went bankrupt, as well as to the local community.

Now get the organization behind the WORLD cup title, the Bergen 2017 A/S, harsh criticism in a new report, which is made by a research group at the university NTNU in Trondheim. The report was submitted on Tuesday, and concludes that the organizer was missing major skills.

– Bergen 2017 A/S has shown signs of a culture, which appears unstructured. You have postponed things and focus on the fact that things would fix themselves. The culture seems to be inherited from The Norwegian Cykleforbund (NCF).

– the Project has been a lack of governance and a master plan. This has led to challenging relationships, which in turn has contributed to higher costs than anticipated.

– There has been a high degree of risk-taking and optimism. The goal, man has striven after, stands today as over-optimistic and little realistic, the report concludes, among other things, according to NRK.

According to the report, the Norwegian society had to be paid 380 million Norwegian kroner, approximately 293 million Danish crowns for the event.

The Municipality of Bergen, Hordaland Municipality, the police, and Helse Bergen (a part of the public health, ed.), who has paid most of the cost.

the Researchers also found that the event was 25 billion Norwegian kroner less in revenue than expected, while expenses were 30 million higher than expected.

According to the Bergens Tidende owe the company behind the VM 108 million Norwegian kroner, approximately 83,2 million Danish kroner, to 107 different creditors.

the person responsible for The Bergen 2017 A/S, Mona Haugland Hellesnes, writes in a text to NRK that she had not read the report, and therefore will not comment on it.

the NCF, which is also criticised in the report, is not surprised by the report’s conclusions.

There were no forward, which surprised us. But it is important to get this out into the light, says cykelforbundets secretary-general, Eystein Stokstad.

A poll shows that the majority of the citizens of Bergen are still proud that the city has been the host for the WORLD championship in cycling. The poll is a part of the report from NTNU.