Nordsjælland Handball, EH Aalborg and Odder Handball fights on to avoid a skrivebordsnedrykning.

on Monday upheld the Danish Handball Federation (DHF) supreme body, the board of governors, the closed end position in the best and second best leagues, which was terminated prematurely because of coronakrisen.

But the case is now proceeding at the appeal court in the Danish sports confederation (DIF) for the Northern and Odders gentlemen and The ladies.

even before Monday’s repræsentantskabsmøde had the three clubs referred the matter to the DIF’s court of appeal.

– We will continue our struggle. We have not given up yet, says Zealand-director Hans Peter Dueholm.

His colleague in the EH Aalborg, Henrik Kinds, voices in the.

– Now we just hope that there been a decision as quickly as possible in the DIF’s court of appeal, so we can get it completed, says Shell.

The two directors tell the before Monday’s meeting had expected that the DHF’s board of governors would go against them. They regret, however, over the course, where they do not feel that they have been heard.

Skrivebordsnedrykningerne is an economic bet for the clubs. For The team, it has had a big impact for the squad for next season.

– in addition to the economy here has meant that we have lost our entire squad for next season. There is only one player left, says Henrik Shell.

The nedrykningsdømte clubs had called for nedrykningerne should be dropped. It would mean that the country’s best leagues should be extended from 14 to 15 teams next season.

– DHF should think of the whole picture, and I don’t think that they have done, says Hans Peter Dueholm from the Judges.

It is unknown when the appellate body in the DIF, will take a decision in the case.

See also: Nedrykninger upheld in the Danish handball