Norway is on the right keel in likestillingskampen. Those who think things are going in reverse takes all wrong. They have no figures to show for.

Culture and equality minister Trine Skei Grande (V) refers to the numbers that she believes shows that the government’s policy is working.

Several children are in day care, fewer women work part-time and fewer are receiving cash. The figures also show that there are more women among professors at universities and colleges.


She believes, among other things, that the government’s decision on free kindergarten to lavinntektsfamilier creating the positive development.

– We find nothing in the figures that suggest that Norway is going in the wrong direction, ” says Skei Grande, and referring to the Labour party accused the Left and the government to put gender equality into reverse.

the Ap was referring to tvillingabortsaken, limit women’s right to self-determination?

Beyond the enkeltsaken, there are a number of areas where gender equality is strengthened by this government. The liberal policy works.

Measures the

minister for gender equality says she is still not satisfied. Skei Grande says the government is working with several initiatives that will further improve gender equality in the country.

– Higher education, Iselin Nybø (V) working to achieve a better gender balance in the teaching profession. I’m going to ask for a meeting with advokatbransjen to ensure that gender equality will improve there. It is mostly women who are studying law, but almost no women who become partner in the companies. What should the government do something with.

Skei Grande alerts now a review of a variety of sectors to see what can be done to improve gender equality and ensure women better access to the good jobs.

– And we should not look at the workplace as one unit, but take the review sectoral. Correct solutions in the financial services industry is not necessarily the best solutions everywhere, ” she says.

– This we had never accepted in manneyrker Voluntary part-time

Previously the Newspaper wrote that two of the three women who work part-time do not want bigger stillingsbrøk.

– It is no matter that a large proportion of women working involuntarily part-time, and we will, of course work with.

– Has the christian democratic party has given the government an image issue on the likestillingsfeltet?

I don’t believe it, but we need to get better at to show the policy of our likestillingsfeltet.

Ap takes the credit

the party’s Anette Trettebergstuen still believe that her comments about an equality in the reverse stands out.

– This government has cut in action against the involuntary part-time, increased cash allowances, increased barnehageprisene, changed the working environment act, abolished the gender equality act, abolished the redegørelses and aktivitetsplikten for businesses, and now changes abortloven. All of this is for each enkeltgrep as in the sum is negative for gender equality.

the EXPERT: While politicians disagree, researcher Mari Teigen on gender equality. Photo: Research Show more

Dispute the you figures Skei Grande refers to?

The statistics Trine boast of is the result after eight years with rødgrønn government and an active work on gender equality. Fortunately the tear is not all down in the course of a few years, but this government has only taken steps that are negative, not positive, for the equality.