The Flemish Parliament has the adjustments to the Energiedecreet that are necessary for the introduction of the digital meter today approved. Opposition parties Green, sp.a and Vlaams belang abstained in the vote.
The majority parties in the Flemish Parliament locks recently a political agreement on the roll-out of the digital meter.
Read also Flemish energieregulator see meter counter for owners of solar panels do not sit
Owners of solar panels by the end of 2020, to be placed, shall be fifteen years after its commissioning in the old system, with the meter counter, can continue. Concretely, they will have a settlement based on the combination of a virtual meter counter on everything – so also on the distributietarief and a prosumententarief, to the energy regulators, to finance. the
Owners can also opt for a new tariff structure that the VREG will work out. Be network tariffs charged on the basis of the power that people effectively on the net turn on or off. In that case the (virtual) meter counter on the part of the distributienettarief, as well as the prosumententarief, disappear.
The Flemish energieregulator Vreg showed himself to be very critical about the scheme. According to the Vreg, there is a possible discrimination between owners of solar panels and there is also a bevoegdheidsoverschrijding, because only the regulator has control over the distributienettarief.
Energy Minister Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) and the authors of the proposal argue that criticism of the Vreg, and are convinced that the developed scheme on a solid legal basis.