In the day presented the health minister Bent Tall (H) and acting Sector manager Olaug Bollestad how the government should stop self-determined fosterreduksjon in Norway.

All fosterreduksjoner will after the legislative amendment has been passed by the Parliament to be dealt with in committee. It will be possible to get the application processed before week 12, so that the woman will know if she gets granted fosterreduksjon in the selvbestemte period.

Olaug Bollestad could today finally present KrFs victory on abortfeltet.

– Is it correct to say congratulations with the day?

This is certainly an important victory for the Sector. Seen this way, you can congratulate the Progress with a green light in the regjeringsforhandlingene. This is the first change in the abortloven since it arrived in 1978. It should no longer be allowed in Norway, with the self-determined tvillingabort, says Bollestad to the Newspaper.

NOT A VELGERMAGNET: Kjell Britain Ropstads statement on the meeting, add to the probably upcoming partilederens image, which will not be a velgermagnet for the Sector, believes that Dagbladet’s political editor Geir Ramnefjell. Video: Marie Røssland Show more Show to famøs statement

In the press release from the ministry of Health about the bill it states as follows:

“When applying for fosterreduksjon it will not be sufficient in itself to show that the omsorgsbyrden is larger by two than by one child, then there will in addition be required that there are other conditions that dictate that the woman can be in a difficult life situation.”

In practice, one must then fulfill the requirements of section 2 of the abortloven to be granted fosterreduksjon. It is the same requirements for abortions treated in committee by week 12.

– This is a formalization of “if you manage one, you manage two”, says Ingvild Kjerkol, national healthcare spokesperson for the Labour party, Dagbladet.

Kjerkol refers to Kjell Britain Ropstads famous statement in the national debate after H, the progress party, the Left Sector had said yes to go into government with each other.

– Very unlucky,

health minister Bent High responds that the statement drawn up by the Labour party today.

Ropstad has apologized for the statement. I think it is very unfortunate that colleagues use the statement against Ropstad when he has apologized for it. It does not contribute to a good debattklima in this case, ” says Bent High to the Newspaper.


– that’s The way that it is completely clear that if one has reasons for that there is an increased load to get the two children, then one will be able to get granted fosterreduksjon. For example when one has several children from before or handicapped children require much or there is something else in the circumstances of life. The tribunal should place weight on the woman’s own assessment of their own situation, ” says High.

High: – Change portrait

the Changes are now out for consultation and, depending on how quickly the Parliament treats the law, it will live for about two years before the parliamentary elections in 2021.

the Labour party has notified the rematch of the legislative amendment, which they believe is a historical restriction of women’s right to self determination, the Left has referred to it as a break and it is overall a large majority in Parliament to allow the self-determined fosterreduksjon.

Left alerts rematch on abortion

Have you opened up an eternal struggle for the abortloven and the boundaries around it?

When we are done with the hearing around the law and have got it passed in Parliament, so I think it’s going to stand out also with the changing political majority. We get the now up many unresolved matters that academic staff have called for. We also choose a model that professionals wanted, namely, that questions about fosterreduksjon shall be dealt with in committee. I think we’ve got harvested experience from this regulation, so I don’t think it comes any omkamper, ” says Bent High.

– So you don’t think the Ap, SV and Left with several going to stand for it they say now, about two and a half years?

“I think the experience when this law has been seem doing that it’s going to be,” says High.

Ap: – Arrogant

Ingvild Kjerkol shakes to head over Høies claims that innskrenkinger in abortloven will be standing.

This is arrogant from the minister of health. Ap does not accept any form of innskrenkinger in women’s right to abortion on demand, and we want to reverse the changes at the first possible crossroad.

Kjerkol am baffled over that High, think it is to talk about permanent changes in abortloven. The left-leader Trine Skei Grande talked about innskrenkingen like a two year break shortly after that regjeringsplattformen was presented.

the Truth is that this will not be left and Right should never, ever opened the doors for changes across the head, ” says Kjerkol.

8 of the 10 disagreed with abortion-victory