Austria is in favour with the freedom of the press, of course, eleven in 16th place. The verbal attacks on journalists increased – especially since the right-wing populist FPÖ in government, reporters without borders.

Austria not only from eleventh place on 16th place, but will lose its classification as a country with a good press situation, and his white waistcoat, – stated in a press release, the organization reporters without borders.

This “massive deterioration” can be explained mainly by verbal attacks on journalists from the policy. Especially since the government of the coalition of the conservative ÖVP and the right-wing FPÖ, these attacks have become to the departure more frequently, reported reporters without borders, and also provides some examples: for instance, the FPÖ had tried-in-chief and Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, to defame the well-known ORF presenter Armin Wolf as a liar.

– Critical media of Information remote

Also has been announced to not “want to be a third of the correspondent item in the ORF deleted, if these journalists are reporting correctly”. The interior Ministry had also sent a Letter to the police, the critical media of information.

Rubina Möhring, President of reporters without borders Austria, has called the Situation alarming: “I am shocked at the direction in which the freedom of the press in a country like Austria has developed”.

media under pressure: the freedom of the press in danger?, 25.09.2018 FPÖ-Chef apologizes for the ORF-presenter, 14.03.2018 Atlas |Austria |Vienna
